Build: The Samurai

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:18 pm (the basics)

best played in first person view

built for using only the dragonbane in your right hane, and having your left hand free

use 1/1 quick relfexes to move around your opponent

hotkey switches out shield and fast healing

shield only used for blocking magic dmg
hit the key again and you free your left hand

heavy armor for full blades armor
one handed sword for the dragonbane (or a custom blade)

200ish stamina
120ish magica
rest health

master difficulty

alot of fun, enjoy
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:06 am

Interesting build, thanks for sharing. although I wouldn't call it a Samurai due to using shields and fast healing spells but glad to see you having fun!
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