Build Your Own Town

Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:44 am

You know while reminiscing Fallout 3 all over again and with the G.E.C.K being release, I can't help but ask why can't the game designers add the element of building your own town in Fallout: New Vegas. I mean, with all that wasteland to roam around, an entire mission could be set aside in securing a site, hiring or recruiting people with special skills or talent, find components such as car parts building parts to build fortification and challenge rival factions in New Vegas. You could even pay off Brotherhood outcast as your personal town guards! Or build your reputation high enough to recruit BoS to secure your sites. It seems the game designers give you the freedom to roam the wasteland but when it comes to having your own town, its asking too much. What do you think? Do share.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:40 am

You know while reminiscing Fallout 3 all over again and with the G.E.C.K being release, I can't help but ask why can't the game designers add the element of building your own town in Fallout: New Vegas. I mean, with all that wasteland to roam around, an entire mission could be set aside in securing a site, hiring or recruiting people with special skills or talent, find components such as car parts building parts to build fortification and challenge rival factions in New Vegas. You could even pay off Brotherhood outcast as your personal town guards! Or build your reputation high enough to recruit BoS to secure your sites. It seems the game designers give you the freedom to roam the wasteland but when it comes to having your own town, its asking too much. What do you think? Do share.

i dont know what to say other then that i just cant see it working.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:59 am

Give up man, i don't think this will ever be implemented in any game by Bethesda. Mabe some guild/faction management, but not building towns.
First, it's one step closer to some sort of The Sims like what Fable 3 is doing, and this would ruin the RPG feeling.
Second, it's just too hard to code all this. Sure some modders can do it, but it's all simple stuff where you stack things and AI interacts with these.

And, this insn't supposed to be in FNV forums but rather in the
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:48 am

You can build a town in white knight chronicles. Pretty cool stuff really deep.
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:36 am

Give up man, i don't think this will ever be implemented in any game by Bethesda. Mabe some guild/faction management, but not building towns.

You can build a settlement in Bloodmoon, Morrowind's second expansion.

Something like this would require a tremendous amount of work, it's possible but given the amount of work it would need it would have to be a central part of the gameplay and a main selling point. The developer would also have to walk a fine line between keeping this useful and interesting without turning the game in to 4X title.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:32 am

I agree with Hungry Donner It's a nice idea but at this point it would take too much time to implement.
There is a mod similar to what you're talking about for Fallout 3 if you are interested you can find it here
For what its worth I think it was a pretty good mod.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:24 pm

I think it'd be an amazing DLC idea. Found your own town in 1 of 3 locations, have it be an NCR base, Caesers Legion Outpost, or just a regular little town for Wasters. There should be a lot of work involved getting the town running though. Such as clearing the area of baddies, then rounding up some willing folks to settle in the colony and look for supplies for walls/barricades and houses, as well as a means for sustenance. It would be like the Bloodmoon expansion but only the part with Raven Rock and not the whole other story in the x-pack.

I think it would be great. But there are far better things that could be done DLC-wise. I also doubt it will happen because of the aforementioned reason. Nevertheless, I love the idea of running/founding a town.

There would HAVE to be a good story behind it however, such as: Your town is finally built and all seems well, but as it turns out, there is a colony of troggs in the nearby caves. The time you sleep during the night in the town, you wake up to the sounds of gunfire and screams. When you walk outside, you see the Hoover Dam troggs (at least I think there were some in Hoover Dam, maybe a few migrated) ripping the townsfolk to pieces while some attempt to fight back.

This is when you drive them back. But now you must enlist the help of either the NCR or Caesers Legion in protecting the town and conducting a raid on the massive trogg colony in the hills.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:20 am

There was a quest thingy planned for Van Beuren where you could rebuild Fort Aradesh. It was pretty much like a more in depth version of Big Trouble in Big Town.
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patricia kris
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:29 pm

I really cant see it working. Its not fallout. Where would the courier get all the money and why would he bother. The only people he/she could really recruit are people in other settlements, but why would they want to move? What is his/her motives, other side quests are helping someone to get a reward, but the wasteland is hard, I don't see him/her bothering.

It would be a great idea for a mod becuase a lot of people can show their creative side but in Fallout NV, its not worth it. It would be too much work for the developers when they could be making better things for FNV.

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Epul Kedah
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:03 am

It's not fallout, so it won't be in the fallout. The closest thing that you will do to that, is choosing what kind of village a village will be. NCR motives, or CL motives. That's it.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:29 pm

I hope they do, do something simular in New Vegas as they did in Morrowind. Like working for a certain house gave you a different base a like the fort, the desert town and the mage fort.

But it's Obsidian so doubtful.

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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:35 pm

Obsidian did Neverwinter Nights 2 and that had a player owned town/keep that he/she set up and ran and it wasn't really central to the game. Sure some important things happened there but they could have just as easily happened at "Nobleman X's" estate, rather than your keep. It was really well done. One of the main reasons the game had replayability for me. When you are first awarded the keep it is run down and much of it is unusable so you have to order your construction crews to repair and upgrade as you see fit. You also recruited people from other towns to fill basic roles such as weaponsmith or barkeep and since you had limited space you had to choose what to do with certain buildings. Certain buildings would have multiple people petitioning for use for various things. And also, you had to recruit, train, and outfit your guards. While you didn't do those tasks yourself, you gave orders to your captains to recruit and train and orders to your weaponsmith and armorsmith to make weapons and armor for your guards, but only if you had the resources. You would have to explore the world to find resources (ore) to tell your miners to go get so your smiths would have material to work with. You were also presented with situations where farmers from a nearby village or some such would come to you for help and you had to decide what to do because their request for aid came at an inopportune time, though I forget what the other issue was that you had to choose between them.

Anyway, to sum up, player ran towns are a lot of fun if done right and can add tons of replayability to a game if you are given many options to customize your town how you like.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:09 am

see, this is going along with my idea to allow thieves and stuff.

It would be more for a "wasteland sim". which I would TOTALY play.

Instead of being the undisputed "hero of the wastes", you would play just another wastelander, and you'd have to work your way up to significance in the waste. either work up to being a mercenary, a powerful raider, a gang leader, an owner of a town (think tenpenny, or paradise falls), or whatever. I think that would be a great aspect. but alas, this is the wrong forum for this, as fallout NV will be very similar in gameplay to Fallout 3. there won't be any serious gameplay tangents. the largest change IMO will be the faction/reputation-based gameplay.

But yeah, I do like this idea. I want to fully immerse myself in the wasteland, to see how I would actually fare. Have to actually learn skills by trial and error, become stronger by actually exercising/eating well, if you don't eat, you lose weight and energy, if you eat too much you become fat and rather lethargic. You could actually chose to play the game as a merchant, and just make a lot of money, and the game would change to suit your class. for instance, you wouldn't get battle-heavy quests, you'd get diplomatic, or trading quests. (sell xxx amount of goods, or visit this, this, and this town, etc)

But really, that sounds more like a fallout sim than an actual fallout game. soo.. yeah. don't hold your breath :/ (though I really do wish someone would make a game like this.)
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:43 am

Give up man, i don't think this will ever be implemented in any game by Bethesda. Mabe some guild/faction management, but not building towns.
First, it's one step closer to some sort of The Sims like what Fable 3 is doing, and this would ruin the RPG feeling.
Second, it's just too hard to code all this. Sure some modders can do it, but it's all simple stuff where you stack things and AI interacts with these.

And, this insn't supposed to be in FNV forums but rather in the

Dude, lighten up... This would enhance, not hinder the RPG aspects of the game.

This would be a tremendous DLC. Have you do quests to obtain items/people for your town and have lots of optional ones depending on how you want to set up your town. Kind of like a real in depth "Fighters Stronghold" plug in.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:03 pm

You know while reminiscing Fallout 3 all over again and with the G.E.C.K being release, I can't help but ask why can't the game designers add the element of building your own town in Fallout: New Vegas. I mean, with all that wasteland to roam around, an entire mission could be set aside in securing a site, hiring or recruiting people with special skills or talent, find components such as car parts building parts to build fortification and challenge rival factions in New Vegas. You could even pay off Brotherhood outcast as your personal town guards! Or build your reputation high enough to recruit BoS to secure your sites. It seems the game designers give you the freedom to roam the wasteland but when it comes to having your own town, its asking too much. What do you think? Do share.

hey Babylon5, it's a good idea, i like this idea....

(BTW, are we twins? why your avatar's the same as mine? :foodndrink: )
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:59 am

It's not fallout, so it won't be in the fallout. The closest thing that you will do to that, is choosing what kind of village a village will be. NCR motives, or CL motives. That's it.

Oh god :facepalm:
Not another "It's Not Fallout" Huffer.........
Damn, i hate those kind of narrow-minded people who didn't want any new things (but not the over the top nwe things)
I think it's possible in the upcoming fallouts......
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:58 pm

It cant be to hard if they did it in Morrowind. I wish they would. I doubt they will.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:16 pm

seams a bit misplaced tho, the theme has always been your the lone wanderer, the one who survive and influence the waste, but at the end of they day you still pack your stuff and walks into the waste as the sun sets.
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:06 am

Building your own town no but I do like the idea of an area becoming more and more developed. In Oblivion they had these people caught between a Troll war. If you stopped it then eventually they would build a small settlement. I thought that was pretty interesting.
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:12 pm

I just really don't see this working without it becoming a main, useful feature for the's as useless as Real Time Settler, fun, but pointless :S

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Jay Baby
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:36 pm

"Build" your own town?

Finding a ghost town and then finding a band of nomads and telling them to go set up shop there?

Becoming mayor afterwards?

Having an influence?

Micromanage shops?

Set up caravan routes so the town has a better supply?

Owning a shop?

Investing money in a shop to help out and then gettin a fair discount?

As long as it's done right then sure, but mostly I'm against the idea.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:48 am

To be honest, i don't care if you all say "It's not fallout!" or "No, that's pointless".
It's possible if the devs make a spin-off of Fallout series called "Fallout: Create your Wasteland Settlement".
I think that's the best solution to avoid a Troll war here......
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Gen Daley
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:37 am

To be honest, i don't care if you all say "It's not fallout!" or "No, that's pointless".
It's possible if the devs make a spin-off of Fallout series called "Fallout: Create your Wasteland Settlement".
I think that's the best solution to avoid a Troll war here......

God no!
If anything they should make a spin-off for Fallout Extreme or the Resource Wars.
A game specifically for creating a settlement is a horrible idea IMO.
The game needs to be able to sell on the market.
This is completely out of the line of what fallout is and IMO would not sell well.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:31 am

To be honest, i don't care if you all say "It's not fallout!" or "No, that's pointless".
It's possible if the devs make a spin-off of Fallout series called "Fallout: Create your Wasteland Settlement".
I think that's the best solution to avoid a Troll war here......

or just pick up a copy of Sim City or Settlers, games of that Genre

Fallout is a RPG and a RPG it should stay.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:21 pm

Mehehhe, use the Real Time Settler mod, fellers!
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