So I thought it would be interesting to hear about any character ideas based on either fictional or real characters from outside the tes universe. They could be based on characters from tv shows, movies, other games, comics, even real people-athletes, historical figures, etc.
I thought of making Blanka from Streetfighter II (my favourite sf2 char).
As soon as I thought of it I searched on youtube and found someone else did it, but whatever, I don't think they got it right anyway. For me what appeals is I can never get into a mage character, but I feel with blanka it would make sense (the youtube guy's blanka wasn't even a mage), and I could actually get into it.
So Blanka-
Race- Orc (obviously)
Full weight, light green skin, red hair, white eyes (again all obvious). I think the hair could be any of the longish styles, unfortunately none are just wild and free like blanka in sf2 but I'd just imagine he decided to tie his hair back in a platted pony tail.
Master of shock destruction magic, only shock/lightning, etc, all the electrical destruction spells.
He'd also be a cannibal for obvious reasons (for those who don't know one of blanka's moves is biting his opponents face off).
Besides shock magic, all he would use is unarmed, but it would be maxed out as much as possible, so level and perk up enchanting to enchant guantlets and a ring with unarmed from the pugilist gloves. Also get the heavy armour perk for to do your guantlets armour rating in additional damage.
Obviously blanka should wear ragged trousers (enchanted with a magicka boost of some kind, like I said I don't mage so I don't know) and I feel nordic guantlets (enchanted with unarmed) and boots(enchanted with stamina maybe? I dunno) would be pretty sharp.
It just occured to me that blanka can't wear two rings, and so can't have an unarmed ring and the ring of namira, this is irritating, but I think I'll honestly just endure switching back and forth to feed and fight respectively.
That's about it I think?? A very basic build, but I like it, and will embark on it post-haste.
In the meantime, post your "borrowed" character ideas.