Building a Successful & Extensive Load Order

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:19 pm

So factoring in these, what route should I go to get the best eye candy, variety of well developed races, and not have compatibility problems?
It seems to me so far from what I know, Cobl, RBP, MMM Resized Races do similar things and so the chance of conflicts is considerable. I have better experience with Bash now but I am no Guru.

If anyone can offer help on how I can have a nice selection of races, ability to add companions, and naked women everywhere (did I say naked?) lol! 'beautiful' women everywhere is what I meant (really :hubbahubba: ) - it would be appreciated

I don't use MMM Resized Races, but I don't think you will have any serious conflict with it. At worst, later loading mods (RBP) could undo the resize changes.

As for compatibility: Don't use any of the race stuff in COBL, but use RBP instead. That's really all you need in order to make those mods compatible. And if you're considering using OBMM for your installation, use my RBP omod installer, as RBP is at least as difficult to get right as MMM.

And if you want beautiful, naked women, look for EVE HGEC on TESNExus. There you'll not only find the body mod, but re-sized armor/clothes from vanilla, all FCOM and more.

BTW, I'm male (with wife and two daughters, no less) ;)
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:30 pm

I don't use MMM Resized Races, but I don't think you will have any serious conflict with it. At worst, later loading mods (RBP) could undo the resize changes.

As for compatibility: Don't use any of the race stuff in COBL, but use RBP instead. That's really all you need in order to make those mods compatible. And if you're considering using OBMM for your installation, use my RBP omod installer, as RBP is at least as difficult to get right as MMM.

And if you want beautiful, naked women, look for EVE HGEC on TESNExus. There you'll not only find the body mod, but re-sized armor/clothes from vanilla, all FCOM and more.

BTW, I'm male (with wife and two daughters, no less) ;)

Honestly, if people like yourself did not offer tips here and there, I doubt I would have gotten to this point. So much opportunity for error. Okay, so this will probably be the last few things I install. Once I have naked women, my game is complete! (did I say naked again?) :P

So what I will do is:
1. Keep MMM Resized Races
2. Add RBP
4. Add CM Companions

That sound good?
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:56 am

If your not seeing diverse fish in MMM then it makes me wonder what version of MMM you are using. The last two have had that version. You should be downloading MMM from here: in the first post those first 4 links.

the readme for MMM: states if using another race mod to load Resized prior to the race mod.

The race info found in COBL is a watered down version of RBP - I'd jump in with RBP.

EVE and Roberts male wil give you the most compatibility with body mods, but body mods can be a frustrating thing to add on to.

But you're not listening as well. Play the game for a while and do not get too invested in your character or the story (avoid the main quest if you havn't played it). Just test out the functions.

You keep wanting to make it perfect and even at 250 mods (and many many replacers of meshes, textures, sounds, etc) my game is not perfect. You could keep adding for months and months. With each new mod the debugging of what goes wrong becomes more and more complicated and you will get lost really fast then post about what a let down and waste of time it all was. In order for you to be the master of your game you have to balance mod adding with mod playing. have to.

Each thing that can go wrong can lead to a wild goose chase of issues - if you don't already know what it is each mod covers.

plus then playing will help you decide which flavors of mods are the ones that you really want.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:19 pm

If your not seeing diverse fish in MMM then it makes me wonder what version of MMM you are using. The last two have had that version. You should be downloading MMM from here: in the first post those first 4 links.

the readme for MMM: states if using another race mod to load Resized prior to the race mod.

The race info found in COBL is a watered down version of RBP - I'd jump in with RBP.

EVE and Roberts male wil give you the most compatibility with body mods, but body mods can be a frustrating thing to add on to.

But you're not listening as well. Play the game for a while and do not get too invested in your character or the story (avoid the main quest if you havn't played it). Just test out the functions.

You keep wanting to make it perfect and even at 250 mods (and many many replacers of meshes, textures, sounds, etc) my game is not perfect. You could keep adding for months and months. With each new mod the debugging of what goes wrong becomes more and more complicated and you will get lost really fast then post about what a let down and waste of time it all was. In order for you to be the master of your game you have to balance mod adding with mod playing. have to.

Each thing that can go wrong can lead to a wild goose chase of issues - if you don't already know what it is each mod covers.

plus then playing will help you decide which flavors of mods are the ones that you really want.

From my understanding the FCOM mod is tried and tested enough to warrant playing the game in its entirety. That is why all the mods I have added to date are referred/accommodated by FCOM.

The latest additions however I am not so sure about but you and the few who to frequent this board seem very knowledgeable and if they have worked for you guys with relative reliability then as long as I am able to overcome the difficulties in their installs - I should be fine.

I only need a few more visual type of mods. I imagine once those are successfully installed, I would have a pretty amazing modded version of Oblivion on my hands and its off to playing. I will leave the modding to you experts and this thread to other new people who are a bit stubborn like me, but also tenacious and determined to enhance the game with the latest greatest mods.

Anyways here I come RBP!!! damn it looks complicated to install!!! :)
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:08 pm

Talk about mind grind. Some of the wording on how to install RBP is difficult to understand. Some parts in detail and others barely touched upon.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 am

no playtesting = not understanding what your playing.
Not understanding what your playing (what the mods are supposed to do) = frustration, anger, and blame.

What I predict will happen is you will get invested in the story, run into bugs then wonder why the guaranteed bug free experience you were expecting from FCOM has let you down. A guarantee that only you made with yourself.

FCOM is still in beta. I can think of those here who are wary of it and do not consider it the pillar of stability that others report it to be. As ever mileage may vary.

I do not consider FCOM to be solid as a rock - it just isn't. It adds spawn points and content all over the place. It is a work in progress. People are still reporting bugs and issues with it and it is still being worked on. JUst that alone and my FPS drops a good 20 points.

you are setting yourself up for disappointment. The only way you are going to be able to build an extensive and successful load order is by slowly building it yourself and taking the discovery of all bug resolutions into your own hands. You can do it one of two ways:
1. Slowly add mods over time and learn what they do making it easier to weed out and recognize what the mods are doing by reading the readme then looking for it in the game.
2. Add them all in at once and be hit with ctds and bugs and errors and then spend the same amount of time as with one debugging and finding the causes of problems (which can be very complex).

I myself am a victim of option 2 mentality.

Following option 1 and you may not get the perfect game right off but you will get to play right off and play extensively.

I'm serious in that if you want to run over 200 some mods you are going to have to learn how the game works, the mechanics, the ins and outs, the whys and why nots.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:57 am

Talk about mind grind. Some of the wording on how to install RBP is difficult to understand. Some parts in detail and others barely touched upon.

Well, you could do it easy for yourself by using my RBP omod installer, but it's of course more manly to do it manually ;)
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:41 pm


I thoroughly agree, but to add on to that statement, you need to watch what you mod in Oblivion. No matter how godly the computer, lots of mods WILL bog you down. Your computer can only load so much, and the effects can be magnanimous. A friend of mine, who uses a NVidia 8800GT 512mb VRAM, was surprised to learn I had more FPS than him with only a Nvidia 8600GT 256mb VRAM (and I was on higher graphics settings). Graphics-wise, both our cards were capable of maxing out Oblivion, but he had a very large amount of mods (similar to how I used to be, however, I reinstalled Oblivion, thus I had very few) thus he suffered.

Mods will lag your game, so you have to be careful in choosing which ones you want, not only for CTD/compatibility/playability reasons, but because you could kill the game without realizing it, just like I did. Add mods slowly, get a feel for the performance decrease, get a feel for the content, get a feel for the compatibility, then keep/remove it depending on the outcome.

As stated above, the key to building a successful and extensive load order is adding mods SLOWLY and testing them thoroughly.

Well, you could do it easy for yourself by using my RBP omod installer, but it's of course more manly to do it manually ;)

You know, the first time I installed RBP, I was a man. I did it without the omod scripts. But I pussied out and used your omod scripts on the second and third installs. I must thank you for them, though. They made installing the mod much easier, and revived my love for omods. Though I now worry about how many omods OBMM can take before it bellies up and starts loading really slow. x.x
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:12 pm

I have a 1 gig vram card and due to the strain on FPS from the amount of mods I run I don't dare touch heavy duty replacers like even redimized QTP III. I stick with a lot of vanilla in the Cyrodiil world spaces and then lay on the heavy replacers for interiors.

CorePCs vibrant textures are much kinder on even my card than is QTP III.

More reasons I advised to lay off the texture replacers at first. They are like icing anyway, what will matter is how the game plays. (or that is what matters to me).
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Connor Wing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:47 am

Well, you could do it easy for yourself by using my RBP omod installer, but it's of course more manly to do it manually ;)

Doh! I don't know how I missed that you had an installer for it!
I got it done manually but maybe I will use your installer just incase?
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:02 pm

no playtesting = not understanding what your playing.
Not understanding what your playing (what the mods are supposed to do) = frustration, anger, and blame.

What I predict will happen is you will get invested in the story, run into bugs then wonder why the guaranteed bug free experience you were expecting from FCOM has let you down. A guarantee that only you made with yourself.

FCOM is still in beta. I can think of those here who are wary of it and do not consider it the pillar of stability that others report it to be. As ever mileage may vary.

I do not consider FCOM to be solid as a rock - it just isn't. It adds spawn points and content all over the place. It is a work in progress. People are still reporting bugs and issues with it and it is still being worked on. JUst that alone and my FPS drops a good 20 points.

you are setting yourself up for disappointment. The only way you are going to be able to build an extensive and successful load order is by slowly building it yourself and taking the discovery of all bug resolutions into your own hands. You can do it one of two ways:
1. Slowly add mods over time and learn what they do making it easier to weed out and recognize what the mods are doing by reading the readme then looking for it in the game.
2. Add them all in at once and be hit with ctds and bugs and errors and then spend the same amount of time as with one debugging and finding the causes of problems (which can be very complex).

I myself am a victim of option 2 mentality.

Following option 1 and you may not get the perfect game right off but you will get to play right off and play extensively.

I'm serious in that if you want to run over 200 some mods you are going to have to learn how the game works, the mechanics, the ins and outs, the whys and why nots.

I completely understand what you are saying but let me use this anology to sum up my thoughts on this... The first 3 Star Wars movies digitally remastered etc had no appeal to me. I loved the originals when they came out years ago but found no appeal in watching them again just cause they had better graphics etc. There is something to be said about first impressions, the first experience and playing Oblivion then modding it then playing it again in my mind numbs the experience.

Perhaps I am wrong, clearly I have not played this game yet but at least now you know the reasoning for my wanting to add as many mods as possible without game crashing issues of course.

Now what you did say that concerns me is that I may be playing for a long stretch of time and then have the game crash on me rendering my character unplayable... but I was under the impression FCOM was pretty solid as long as the mods added were recommended by them.

I will have to get some more clarity on this. Personally, I rather play the game as is then, plain vanilla than have it crash after 100-200 play hours.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:41 am

I'll keep this very brief.....
FCOM plus it's recommended additions, although still in beta is rock solid and very stable.
I've said it dozens of times, but I feel this needs emphasized yet again.
It's what users add to FCOM that creates issues, not the mod itself.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:25 am

Ahh the pleasure of being misunderstood - awesomeness.

Ray007 - Oblivion (and fallout3) is an extremely non-linear game. You don't even ever have to do the main quest. There are some 300 dungeons and that is not even counting the mod added content at all. I've had four characters and each have taken very different approaches and only the most recent one is that committed to the main quest. The game has replayability written all over it. Each character has seen and enganged in very different parts of Oblivion.

I'm not saying (and never said) that you should do the main quest and then get bored of it. Huh? I even suggested getting a skip tutorial mod. Just playtest for a day or two the fcom load order before you add more. that is all I wrote.

As ever people will do what they want, don't let stand in your way.

best of luck

And Shikishima-

The title of his thread and the intention is to add much more than FCOM. FCOM is stable all by its lonesome, but so what if one plans to add 150 more mods? Expecting it to be stable is a set up.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:18 pm

Okay, I can't say you guys did not warn me but I expected if there was a problem for it to be in the game not on my operating system. Apparently there was a number of corrupt files, one of them being cuirass.nif file which upon booting my system did a checkdisk and deleted.

To say I am concerned is an understatement. I can handle such a problem if related just to Oblivion but why are these files on my c: drive? and corrupted on top of that?

Is this from one of the mods I downloaded or a problem with my computer?
I did a virus check but nothing came up.

I have not been able to figure this out. Going to hold off adding anything until I do.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:58 pm

Okay, I can't say you guys did not warn me but I expected if there was a problem for it to be in the game not on my operating system. Apparently there was a number of corrupt files, one of them being cuirass.nif file which upon booting my system did a checkdisk and deleted.

To say I am concerned is an understatement. I can handle such a problem if related just to Oblivion but why are these files on my c: drive? and corrupted on top of that?

Is this from one of the mods I downloaded or a problem with my computer?
I did a virus check but nothing came up.

I have not been able to figure this out. Going to hold off adding anything until I do.

1. I (along with nearly everybody on this forum) have downloaded hundreds of mods, and not one of the downloaded files has borked my computer. (downloaded from TESNexus and PES, that is - but I don't think you've been downloading from just random sites or torrents, right?)
2. It could be a Mac-specific issue, in which case I just don't know.
3. It is possible that a file got corrupted during download (but I doubt it - usually a corrupt download would mean the archive is unopenable, not just one stray file inside acting funny).
4. It is possible that your computer or one of its apps is being overprotective and deleting files that are fine (again, probably a Mac-specific issue).

What I'm trying to say is that your situation sounds like it is specific to your hardware setup and your own activities relating to downloading and installing a bunch of mods. I really really doubt that you are the victim of any hanky-panky.

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lacy lake
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:10 am

1. I (along with nearly everybody on this forum) have downloaded hundreds of mods, and not one of the downloaded files has borked my computer. (downloaded from TESNexus and PES, that is - but I don't think you've been downloading from just random sites or torrents, right?)
2. It could be a Mac-specific issue, in which case I just don't know.
3. It is possible that a file got corrupted during download (but I doubt it - usually a corrupt download would mean the archive is unopenable, not just one stray file inside acting funny).
4. It is possible that your computer or one of its apps is being overprotective and deleting files that are fine (again, probably a Mac-specific issue).

What I'm trying to say is that your situation sounds like it is specific to your hardware setup and your own activities relating to downloading and installing a bunch of mods. I really really doubt that you are the victim of any hanky-panky.


1. I did not download anything from a Torrents site though a few times the downloads were from non-TESNexus or PES.
2. Perhaps but if it is a mac issue this is the first time it has occurred.
3. Maybe, but usually if a download is not complete I cannot open it.
4. Again maybe but hard to know.

At this point, I am not sure how to proceed. Virus check came up with nothing so I am at ease that my system has not been compromised. Any suggestions?

Man, all this happened cause I wanted to add some hot looking babes to the game. Go figure... :facepalm:
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 am

1. I did not download anything from a Torrents site though a few times the downloads were from non-TESNexus or PES.
2. Perhaps but if it is a mac issue this is the first time it has occurred.
3. Maybe, but usually if a download is not complete I cannot open it.
4. Again maybe but hard to know.

At this point, I am not sure how to proceed. Virus check came up with nothing so I am at ease that my system has not been compromised. Any suggestions?

Man, all this happened cause I wanted to add some hot looking babes to the game. Go figure... :facepalm:

This is a large reason why it is nice to install mods using BAIN or OBMM. If you did, just find out which mod it is that is corrupt, uninstall that mod, try to reinstall it, and if it's still corrupt redownload it. If you installed manually, I'm afraid your going to have to do the same thing, but uninstall file by file for that mod by hand. Takes quite a while if you don't have the readme.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:07 am

You can search your Oblivion/Data folder and see if cuirass.nif is in there. It's possible that the one that got deleted is extraneous - a leftover from moving files around during installation. If your Data folder has all the files it needs, you'll be fine.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 am

Okay, when you install Oblivion 7 times and attempt installing FCOM about 5 or so - eventually you become rather proficient at it! :nerd:

Now back to the tough part - adding eye candy. Just a few more little mods and I am done folks!

BTW, my install logs were incredibly helpful - totally sped up the time!
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:39 am

I find it funny to read that you believe you'll be 'done' installing mods into your game with just a few more 'eye candy' mods.

I continually add, and remove mods from my game.

For instance:
Say you build the 'perfect for you' load order that's 100% stable, and bug free but see on these forums that someone just released a mod that really interests you, and it has received fantastic reviews.
Would you attempt loading it into your game?
Say you loaded up a quest mod for a character that you were playing, and have played through it but know that for the next character you create that quest mod doesn't fit the role play for that new character.
Would you remove the un-needed mod from your load order?

I am even worse than that since I create my own .esps, and (go figure) drop them into my highly modded game to test them. (Yea, I am a nut).

Point is I doubt anyone who starts adding mods ever really stops until they no longer play the game.
Be warned.
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James Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:47 am

Point is I doubt anyone who starts adding mods ever really stops until they no longer play the game.
Be warned.


Also, something that is noticeably missing from ray007's install list are all the gameplay tweak/enhancers. If he is remotely like me, he will soon want lots of them. I cannot even imagine playing without things like DarnUI, Togglable Quantity Prompt, Realistic Leveling (or nGCD), Progress (or another level rate mod), Realistic Fatigue, Lightweight Potions, Enhanced Economy (or Living Economy), Keychain, Harvest flora/containers, Map Marker Overhaul, etc.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

Of course he is not done - he has the bug in him now - he will want more (first taste is always free as they say on the streets).

Ray- we know this because we were all once there too.

I think the overall message is that you can have as many mods as you like, but the more you have the more you have to work to keep it functional. And because of that when you are first adding them going slow is the answer.

I too dove in for FCOM because it seemed more actively supported, and then found that this community wants to have a large group of mods that work together - we all want it. We are working toward it too. Even if that is just playtesting and giving feedback.

It is a work in progress and the having of it has to do with participating in the work of it ... in whatever capacity that is. I mainly playtest, others more talented than myself, full on mod. Truthfully I've learned immensely from massive mod users as much as from mod makers. Most mod makers mod with just their mod or related mods loaded for simplicity (cleaner desk) but then won't find out the incompatibilities that occur until mixed with those 200 other mods.

The more you pile the deeper you have to dig to find the problem, but if you pile slowly and learn each layer (or enough of it) then digging isn't such a chore.

There doesn't have to be an end to it really (till your bored with it) - becoming overwhelmed though is a common thing for adding too fast.

Excellent and deserved self promotion.
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:06 am

NiceOne - your tool was awesome! Made the process much easier.

That said, I am still hung on on creating eye candy in the game. There are so many variations which makes me worry I may end screwing it all up - mismatched parts etc. Has any particular combination worked well for any of you?

Also, I am a bit confused about using OBMM. If I add a mod to it, then doesn't it automatically get added to my bash file when I do rebuild batch? I am thinking perhaps some of them are not being applied correctly since I have no control over their load order since they only appear on the right side not in the load order itself. Hope I explained this right.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:19 am

NiceOne - your tool was awesome! Made the process much easier.

That said, I am still hung on on creating eye candy in the game. There are so many variations which makes me worry I may end screwing it all up - mismatched parts etc. Has any particular combination worked well for any of you?

EVE HGEC will cover Vanilla, SI, Knights, Armamentarium, Knights, Oscuro's, Franscesco's, and Mart's Monster Mod, Artifacts has well. Comes has an OMOD already and easy to install. E Cup is standard if you want to use clothing and armor from other HGEC Mods. or Exnem Mods and that is alot mods.

Or Roberts Female which cover the same expect for Knights and does not have has many mods built around it. You will have to build your own omod or use bain.


Roberts Male Body for Male covers the same Mods. Expect for Knights, you will have to manually choose everything with musclar being perferred and choose your underwear color.


Those are recommended for FCOM has they cover what is needed,

Body Mods are replacer for originial meshes that come from each mod and so when installing you need to overwrite all existing meshes. Else they will not work right.

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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:08 am

EVE HGEC will cover Vanilla, SI, Knights, Armamentarium, Knights, Oscuro's, Franscesco's, and Mart's Monster Mod, Artifacts has well. Comes has an OMOD already and easy to install. E Cup is standard if you want to use clothing and armor from other HGEC Mods. or Exnem Mods and that is alot mods.

Or Roberts Female which cover the same expect for Knights and does not have has many mods built around it. You will have to build your own omod or use bain.


Roberts Male Body for Male covers the same Mods. Expect for Knights, you will have to manually choose everything with musclar being perferred and choose your underwear color.


Those are recommended for FCOM has they cover what is needed,

Body Mods are replacer for originial meshes that come from each mod and so when installing you need to overwrite all existing meshes. Else they will not work right.


hi Corepc,

Thanks for all your help. Finally see the finish line! :foodndrink:

Just one thing I am not clear on - EVE HGEC has a number of OMOD files (MMM, FRAN, OOO etc), but in the instructions it does not specify whether I need to install each one for FCOM? I tried to find info on this but was unable.

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