I really don't want to clutter other boards with questions that may be simplistic etc. So instead I will just 'bump' this thread in the hopes someone knowledgeable will assist me on the questions listed in the post above. Thanks.
In all cases of FCOM, if there is en equivalent version to MMM's then always replace Mart's file with the Convergence option-
unless MMM specifically states otherwise, as 3.7's readme is more up to date than FCOM's.
If you have questions about a particular mod, then posting in the relevant thread is always a good idea rather than a separate thread or post on the topic.
Doing so you will occasionally be answered by well intentioned, but not always knowledgeable users that can result in conflicting and often confusing information.
As far as Frans files are concerned :
Shivering Isles version(Optional)
hardcoe Loot
Separate files (Required! CRITICAL!)
Living Economy(Optional; Never use at the same time as standalone LE!)
Optional items add-on(Recommended! Requires separate BSA download!)
Optional chance of more enemies (Only if you picked SI option)
Optional chance of stronger bosses (Required)
Optional chance of stronger enemies (Required)
Optional leveled guards(Only if you picked SI option)
NOTE: The files marked required above must be installed even for a non-SI setup!
The above is quoted directly from the FCOM Convergance homepage
No other Frans files should be used in
any FCOM installation