I would just like to point out some things I consider a problem when it comes to building/settlements in Fallout 4 and would appreciate if these were looked into.
1. Out of bounds objects that have the majority of itself in the build zone also out of bounds objects that are part of the initial zone (i.e. white picket fences that hang just out of the build zone).
2. Settlers occasionally huddle together and stay that way (fast travelling or reloading a save does not fix this for me) until I re-open the game.
3. Settlers can sometimes warp/clip? to the top of objects (e.g. teleporting onto the roof of Sanctuary workshop building).
4. Placed objects sometimes are not able to be chosen, mostly happens with crops but reloading a save does fix this for me until it occurs again (e.g. looking at a crop or bench and no highlight for the object to be moved/scrapped/stored even if you are 1ft away from it).
5. Planters can not be replanted upon if original plants were destroyed in some manner (e.g. Gray Garden raided and greenhouse plants were destroyed, upon trying to replant/repair everything the crops in planters could no longer be replanted). -This happened to me a short while ago, I can't stand looking at an empty greenhouse with no purpose now lol-
6. Settler assigned to medic shop can not be traded gear with anymore, only barter or heal me options (I just wanted to give him a lab coast to look professional Assigning him to another job and trading with him once assigned resolves this though).
Not apart of the building/settlement problem but something I would like to know is if anyone else has the cow merchant lady sit in one spot the entire game with the cow refreshing every 72hrs in-game? (for me she just stands in the ravine next to Tenpine Bluff).
Other than that I enjoy the building aspect of the game (except for resource gathering lol).