Hey guys!! Found a place with what seems to be the highest (tallest) build limit. Around 21-22 stories high! Located at Abarnathy Farms.
So I built the Eiffel Tower... Hope you enjoy it!
Hey guys!! Found a place with what seems to be the highest (tallest) build limit. Around 21-22 stories high! Located at Abarnathy Farms.
So I built the Eiffel Tower... Hope you enjoy it!
Great job as always...a 5 year old was nearby when I watched this and said "that's Paris?"
Thanks! And wow! If, a 5 year old can recognize it, I must have done something right lol I was worried it was too blocky, but we dont have angled peices to work with, or steel. So i figured wood and ladders would suffice.
lool so cool, that must have taken a while to build.
from which distance can you see it?
it would be so nice to have something as high as the big buildings in Boston, so that you could see it all over the map on the horizon <3
This has me wondering if Fallout 4 will become more popular than Minecraft with those that like to build amazing structures. After all, Fallout 4 doesn't look like something that was released 20 years ago.
wood svcks, it dissapears faster, or at closer distances than steel or concrete. So even stnading back at the farm, almost all the details like railings, stairs, support braces, all dissapear and you can only see the skeleton structure. And the entire building dissapears as well if you get far enough away. Cant see any of it from red rocket trucks top which is pretty close. I was thinking about rebuiding the whole thing out of concrete lol. wont look as much like the eiffel tower, but it will be easy to render.
MInecraft looks good
especially from a big distance, when you build something huge ^^
it just has an own 'art-design'... just like Fallout
haha nice!!!
I love how creative people are!
You are getting artist's block, because you stared at it for too long. To us normal people, it looks just like the Eiffel Tower.
Btw, when do you do your streams? If you are going to do more I'd like to drop by some time and watch it live.
Meh, I built a big tower on top of red rocket and can't see it from Sanctuary. I'm playing the game on Ultra too...
He's a sharp kid but yeah you did it right with the lights and all...I'm sure daytime doesn't look as official.
Woah!!!!!!! WHAT? This is amazing!!!!!!!! You are so creative and talented!!
I must admit that is pretty damn badass! I wish you had done part of the video going up into the tower itself. Well done!
You're an inspiration to us all.
No view from the top of the tower though?
Nice work. Would you upload us your save game so we can see it up close for ourselves?
I stream pretty much everynight!! On youtube. Just subscribe to my channel and you will get notified everytime i go Live. I have an idea for my next build, im thinking about doing a recreation of the london bridge, i have good ideas to make it work out well... not 100% sure if it will work as i am hoping though.
haha i bet! And yeah, thats why i had to do the footage all at night, daytime, it looks like crap lol. The lights seem to help render more at night. More details seem to dissapear in the daytime and it looks like its made outta toothpicks.
Thank you so much!
I am playing on ps4, is it even possible to do that?
I am actually going to load up an old save file and effectiviely delete this entire build. I am working on plans for a new build in the same location. Its faster and easier to load up the old save than it is to try and scrap every item already built.
Impressive, but now I have to ask, screaming like a little girl: how in the hell did you get it so high? I can't go above 4 stories without the game automatically kicking me out of build mode above that.
As he stated in the OP, I think it has to do with the specific settlement location properties. Apparently Abernathy Farms allows very high builds (as apposed to most places that only allow 4 to 6 story max). The build is impressive, but the info on that location allowing very high builds is highly useful for other players....thanks for the info!
Abernathy has power lines going throug the settlement, so the game has to have a high "ceiling" for the power lines. So when you build there you can use that fact to your advantage. Same with a settlement near a highway (don't remember the name).
EDIT: Someone was quicker.