» Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:12 pm
Thought I'd dig this thread up rather than post a new topic as it's an issue I feel strongly about.
Nearly all the recent FPS's are emphasising realism over action. While there are some very good fps's, high realistic damage ultimately leads to cautious tactics, sniping from distance to clear the objective, very slowly advancing, intensive camping, etc, as they are the most effective tactics to win for the team.
The thing I most loved about RtCW, W:ET and ETQW was the reduced weapon damage and action orientated, which emphasise much more teamwork, concentrated fire, accuracy and movement over twitch alone, that ever death was due to a mistake rather than unavoidable etc. It also greatly reduces the one man rambo killing half of the enemy team and winning the objective solo, which is an even greater concern in a 8v8 game than 16v16.
IMO, high TtK (time to kill) levels (which is the main important factor, it makes little practical difference outside of reloading with tight cones / controlled burst if it takes 10 bullets to kill in 0.1 seconds or 1 bullet) are perfect for the ultimate teamplay experience. Personally out of all the online FPS shooters I've ever played (a lot of them over the years) RtCW was by far the most enjoyable and memorable (CQB storming the documents room and trying to reach the transmitter on the sea invasion map with a whole server of teamplayers was just a pure joy!). W:ET had many similar moments, though I always felt that the panzer and especially the mortar were mistakes. Given the choice between tactical realistic slow paced fps or adrenaline fueled fast and hectic teambased shooters where movement really matters I'd choose the hectic one everytime.
While I have no problem with a hardcoe mode for people who prefer those styles, so many fps's nowadays only have hardcoe and hardcoe lite, with little gameplay difference (and weapon damage completely changes the dynamics of how best to play fps's, high dmg emphasises caution, low damage speed and a more reckless teamplay style to win). I'd hate to see the same thing happen to the few developers out there who actually cater to people who prefer a more arcade style, with the associated teamplay orientated benefits it provides.
I am wondering whether the damage amounts are being customised between PC and consoles though. A worrying trend I've noticed in more recent games is that the damage models are the same. While it works for consoles, given the vastly increased accuracy and player control given by using a mouse / keyboard combo it leads to a different gaming experience, with instant death scenario's being much more common, encouraging the more realistic style of gameplay that I personally find becomes rather boring over time, and losing those insanely fun moments in rtcw / et / etqw where your team has to storm in to a heavily guarded defensive position by force with speed and the hectic CQB action / last gasp memorable wins / saves that follows (which with high dmg just turns into a slaughter for the attackers, again creating a much more slower paced cautious game style for the attacking side in objective based games).
It all boils down to personal preference, high damage = a paranoia style of game, low damage = an adrenaline style, each to their own and all that. As for which is best, neither are, they both require different tactics and skill sets to be a good teamplayer.