Bullits are being saved for as long as the weapon is in the database, so i had this problem until i met the flood and became weaponless. after that the bullit count went back to normal after picking up another Scar.
Before that picking up ammo would result in picking it up until the counters were both 0/0 and leaving the message that my ammo was full. So the game was designed to watch the database and see the bullits are full but does not see when a value in the DB is -135. The game sees 0 instead of -135 and so you can pick up ammo until the count is 0. Even loading from save game ends up in the same problem. also picking up another weapon and back the scar resulted in a maximum negative number.
Switching to a shotgun and pick up a totally different scar gave the same problem. so the bullits per gun are stored endless. offcourse as a mentioned until you loose all guns in the game.
The game should be designed to never get under the count of 0 then this wouldnt happen!
Or atleast let the game check if the values are below 0 and reset them to 0 when loading from a save game. So that you dont walk half a game with 0 / -135 bullits LMAO!