GTA44 uploaded 3 crosshair designs as separate downloads (only one of which isn't available in my mod) and he's already at 1/4 of my download count after only 1 day. There is no justice in this world!
Anyway, I'm still alive and am preparing for releases 2.1 and pretty soon after that 2.2.

2.1 will add support for the Pitt-Gal status display and the Asuka HUD.
2.2 will add 35 (as of the most recent count) new crosshairs. I'm still looking for suggestions for more reticle designs as I'm running out of ideas that aren't gimmicky (Casino Chips, and
In version 2.3 I'd like to add support for partially red crosshairs that remain red regardless of your choice of HUD colour, but I'm not sure how to accomplish this outside of theory. If you're reading this DarN, your expertise would be invaluable! Actually - while I'm at it - I was thinking it would be a lot easier for me and everyone else (not to mention it would decrease the file size immensely) if it was possible to separate the crosshair graphic from the interfaceshared0.dds file. Is it possible to assign the combat and active reticle to individual files through the xml files?
Preview of version 2.2: