» Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:44 pm
Wrong KillerGymSocks. She has gotten wasted twice before this, but what got her then got me and so death revived us both for another attempt on things. This time we were well past the point on the road where the bandit stepped out, yelled something at me and waved a finger. Lydia spun around and ran back to teach him some manners and got whacked from behind by a second bandit who ambushed her with a two-handed axe before I could even get back to give her any useful assistance. I then took out the axeman and finished off the one that she had started on. But she died from the axe blow to the back and not something that I did. Just like she died when she challenged a huge bear that was in her way just before she finished her 45 min pathing expedition trying to get back to me after I climbed down the mountainside and she did not follow where I lead.