After the Lone Wanderer got the purifier working and defeated the Enclave, Allistair Tenpenny had died from a heart attack due to old age and a man called Mr.Burke took over.
This is what Burkes was waiting for, his plan was to be as loyal as possible to Allistair, so when the time came Burkes would surely be chosen.
Mr.Burkes was sick in the head and wanted power.It started off small but then he began to gather up forces from across the Wasteland: Enclave soldiers that did not know of the defeat, Wastelanders, Slaves and even got the Talon Company to help him. But how did Burkes get all of these people to fight for him? He was good at brainwashing people into helping him and his cause.
The only people who had not spoken to him were the once who fought against him.
People knew this was a growing threat and decided to gather their own army. Regulators, Wastelanders (lucky ones that didn't bump into Burke), Deathclaws (Device controlled)and Outcasts formed together. The Brotherhood would almost certainly have helped but after the Enclave were defeated they travelled south on a special assignment. The scribes stayed at the Citadel but were unable to make contact with the Knights. Elder Lyons had travelled with them so it left Scribe Rothchild to make tough decisions.
Burkes decided it was time to sweep the Capital Wasteland and ordered his army to kill anyone who resists.
You are in Burkes army or the Free Peoples army.
If you want to be in Burkes army here is what you can be: Wastelander, Enclave, Slave, Talon Company Merc.
If you want to be in the Free Peoples army here's what you can be: Regulator,Wastelander, haha was about to write Deathclaw! Outcast.
If you feel we should just stick to one army just say

Again I must say I'm not that experienced in making up RPs so criticism is helpful.
Character Sheet:
Full Name:
Physical appearance:
Weight: (if you want to post it)