Yup, and I stole Harmy's idea

. The following code's basically the standard I use to detect a weapon firing, if you're willing to wait until NVSE comes out, or have Fallout 3, you can see an implementation of the code for burst fire in Playing With Firepower. The code need not stay on a weapon, you could easily put it on a quest to allow the player the option of burst-fire on arbitrary weapons; the difficulty of setting the limits on which weapons are appropriate for it and what else to bulk the mod out with (a single perk isn't really substantial) is all that's stopped me doing it.
ref contshort activeshort animbegin onequipset cont to getcontainerset active to 1endbegin onunequipset active to 0endbegin ondropset cont to 0endbegin gamemodeif(cont) if(active) if(cont.GetAnimAction == 2 && anim == 0) set anim to 1 elseif(cont.getanimaction != 2 && anim == 1) ;WEAPON FIRED set anim to 0 cont.fireweapon WHATEVER endif endifelse set cont to getcontainer if(cont) if(cont.getequipped THISWEAPON) set active to 1 endif endifendifend