[condescending tone] "What's a milk drinker like you doing out here?"
Camera zooms out. It's a redguard woman in full daedric oversmith'd armor.
Alienne: ExCUSE me? I'm sorry, what? Oh, and I assume you've beaten a daedric prince at a drinking contest too, I'm guessing?
[condescending tone] "You don't scare me." (combat begins. Said nord woman tinks at my armor, then I oneshot her.)
I shug and continue on my way. Out pops bandits. "Victory or Sovengarde!". So my victory promptly sends them to sovengarde.
Enter Whiterun. A CHILD walks up to me "I'm not afraid of you!"
What, am I wearing pajamas to these people or something?! Shouldn't my armor be looked at for things like intimidation and general attitude? I put this on because I'm tired of people thinking I'm walking around Skyrim in +3 Wool Pajamas, with hopes that maybe these Forsworn, Witches, and Bandits will look at think twice before just attacking me out of the blue. But no... as far as they're concerned, these are +4 Wool Pajamas. What's more, why does Dragonbone get special flavor text, but not Daedric? *sighs*
I'd be nice if I could scare these guys away instead having to kill them. So many wasted lives. It's a shame, really.