But is it "ye olden time-y" enough?

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:51 am

I choose none. I just want the game... Please Todd just give us the game.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:06 am

robots in morrowind :eek: ? i dunt think so.

Yeah there were. Dwemer Centurians and stuff. Some were freakin transformers. Mind you they weren't powered by electricity they were powered with magic I assume but if they were definitely robots.

I don't find most of those things bothers me at all except the health bar thing, I don't see the connection between fallout here either unless you just mean the modern look to the UI. Besides the UI isn't really part of the gameworld, it's meant to relay information about it to you so I don't feel like it has to be 'ye olden time-y'. I'll take nit-picking for 1000 Alex :P.
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kat no x
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:30 pm

In all honesty, the health/mana bars decreasing from both sides at once kinda of threw me off, but I'm sure I'll adjust.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:56 pm

The only one of those things that bother me is the blood on the screen, and that's not because it doesn't fit with the "Medieval" feel of the world but that it just isn't realistic at all regardless of the setting, unless you're actually wearing a helmet with a transparent visor or goggles, which, mind you, you could get in Fallout 3, but the blood on the screen applied even when your eyes were completely exposed, so it was still unrealistic there and it is here too, and I'm hoping you can turn it off, but if you can't, then I'll live with it, since it's the sort of thing that kind of bugs me but doesn't really stop me from enjoying the game.

And I actually found Oblivion's visuals a lot more "dull" than Fallout's, nor do I see how you would consider Fallout 3's combat system more "idiotic" than Oblivion's unless you have an aversion to using guns in games, even if the game takes place in modern times or the future where using guns makes a lot more sense than swords. I like both Fallout and the Elder Scrolls, that's not to say I want them to be identical, though. I can play and enjoy a wide variety of games, but that doesn't mean that all things that worked in one game would work in another. If they started bringing elements of Fallout into the Elder Scrolls that wouldn't fit with the Elder Scrolls in, like say, guns, or nuclear weapons, then I'd be annoyed, but as I see it, they're not. The aspects in which Skyrim resembles Fallout are things that, as far as I'm concerned, don't conflict with the feel of the Elder Scrolls, I'm not one to say something shouldn't be in x just because the game in question is not why. I mean, by that logic, then you really wouldn't have anything to include in the Elder Scrolls at all, because generally speaking, most, if not all, of the aspects that make up an Elder Scrolls game, or any game, for that matter, have been done in other, different games before, although they might have been handled differently.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:13 pm

Dear OP...

All your fears will be placated once mods get made...
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Rachael Williams
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