http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-traumatic_stress_disorder and lots to catch up on... Also I should thank Calzo for the convienient rain

Arrille's Tradehouse - Top Floor, Seyda NeenLaurenne is it, how did a girl like you end up as a prisoner?"
Laurenne close her eyes,
This guy doesn't give upShe was pretty sure she'd made it clear that she wasn't interested yet this Kalthar was being extremely persistant. She didn't really want to put him down; the Nord was drunk, violent, twice her size and armed. If he became angry she didn't give herself much of a chance. Luckily their conversation was interrupted by Angorion's return and then, yet another newcomer. An Argonian this time. The fellow was big, taller than either of the Nords, with unusually pale scales, the newcomer had a disturbing air to him, and Laurenne got a distinct feeling that the Argonian was up to, much more so than she did from the rest of their group. Thankfully, Kalthar seemed distracted by the arrival of this newcomer and the subject of conversation changed as the suspicious Argonian was grilled by the Nord, who was surprisingly perceptive considering his current state.
"Im guessing she iss the leader?"
Leader!? Laurenne started to deny the accusation, she wanted as little to do with some of these... people with whom she'd found herself as she possibly could, she wanted to get back into decent society. She was interrupted however by Kalthar, who seemed to have taken on the role of group spokesman;
"Aint no leader, we're just a bunch of folks having a drink and bite to eat, thats all. Isn't that right Laurenne"
She nodded silently as the Nord addressed her, trying hard to keep out of the conversation and out of the way of Kalthar who, though she didn't enjoy admitting it, worried her.
"Because i should be talking to the leader, I can tell you all are new, as am I and i think we should stick together in this dingy hellhole. I thought maybe an extra blade would come in use. I am also low on funds and would like some equipment and food, so I should work for it yes?"
Yet another shady accomplice... Why do I always seem to find the trouble makers?The bitter thought reminded her briefly of the Night, the first time her friends had made a 'sacrifice'. She'd been involved, caught up in the madness of it all and dragged along at the insistence of her friends. The poor man had been curled up alongside the road, they'd paralysed him, dragged him off and then... then so much blood!
It had preyed on her mind ever since, she'd thought turning everyone in would absolve her. But no. It was just as bad as always. She'd had enough, she was going.
Laurenne half stood, slamming her fist into the table,
"Why can't you all just leave me alone? I'm not getting dragged in again!"
With that she stormed off, down the stairs and out into the rain once more, the instant she left the tavern she regretted it, though she kept going out into to the middle of the street, massaging her stinging hand as she went.
I'm such an idiot, they must think I'm a nut...