I was planning on possibly buying a desktop PC for skyrim. Can any knowledgeable person tell me how much the cheapest computer that can play skyrim (at least reasonably well) would be?
Also where would I go about finding this computer?
Thanks in advance!
It is 100% pointless to buy PC for (only) TES 5 right now, June of this year the New AMD Bulldozer CPUs and More Intel Sandy Bridge CPU (motherboards and chipset too boot) That being said, you can take that Info 2x Ways. 1) Wait and buy one of them two and get the best. Or 2) Wait till they come out and drop the prices of Now-Tech will drop in price. Also the new AMD (ATI ) 7000 series is due for stores this Nov.
Here are A few thing I always Ask PPL when they said what Kind of comp should I buy.
1) How much do you want too spend. Cheap and Gameing comps dont go well. Video cards Alone can be 500.00 ( and u can have up too 4x)
2) What do you plan on doing with the Comp. (Games and future games need better tech)
3) Do you Just want the Computer or Do you have Keyboard, Mice, monitor
4) What are your standards .. can you live with low res .. not max .. or 30 FPS or Less.
5) Would you build one / Try or Have someone help your. ( you can get a Better Med - Higer in comp this way, However Low-end comps tend too be cheaper store/web bought )
A few Notes about gaming Comps.
As of right now the big new thing is DX11 .. with DX11 you get tessellation (makes things look OMG)
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/Neko77025/3NoTess.jpg NO tessellation
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/Neko77025/3WTess.jpg With tessellation
However their are VERY Few games that use DX11 or any that have tessellation. I can only think of AVP and Metro 2033. More games Late 2011 and mostly 2012 will use Dx11. They have not said anything about TES5 useing DX11 & with how big TES games are, It would kill the FPS. But you Must think in terms of the future. ATI/AMD 5000 & Nvida 400 series will run Dx11 but it would be better to go with ATI/AMD 6000 or Nvida 500 series As then run DX 11 way bette. Also to run DX10 & or DX11 you must use Windows Vista or 7.
Few other thigns too keep in mind.
Build / Get a computer that has room too Expand, this will start with the Motherboard. By picking out A good motherboard that can SLI (Nvida) or CF (ATI/AMD) { SLI & CF = run more then one video card @ same time for more preformance ) more then likely this motherboard will beable too overclock your CPU later if you need more power.
64bit 64bit 64bit .. OS. Windows Vista or 7 64 Bit. This will allow for use of more then 4Gb of Ram and if you are paying Dx10 /11 Games your should have more then 4Gb of Ram.
Power Supply Unit, too future proof your comp you should aways get a good PSU, should get A Silver or Gold rated, 1x rail with A min of 2x 6pin PCI-E & 2x 8pin PCI-E
CPUs Come down too how much you want too spend VS what you want out of it. The best( THE BEST. ) CPU now will cost you $1,000.00 (Intel), The best Value(preformance VS cost) would be $230.00 (AMD)
I would say wait till Oct or Nov if you only want it TES5 and dont need new one right now, Also I would say if you Spend under $1500.00 you are not going too have much lead way for future games. If you want Hi Res, Hi Quailty & 45+ FPS