I'm looking to buy Oblivion again since I heard of Skyrim and the fact I never got to finish all the DLC when I traded my ps3 for an xbox. Gamestop shows GOTY editions of Oblivion priced at 30 bucks that include the vanilla game, Knights of the Nine, Shimmering Isles, and the other dlc. I have some left over marketplace points and was looking into getting it online instead of having to go to the store sometime this week but the marketplace shows Oblivion as 30 bucks, SI as 30 bucks worth of xbox points, KotN as 10 dollars in xbox points and the extra dlc combined as just over 10 dollars in dlc. Are any of these the GOTY edition of the game (I highly doubt SI even released at 30 dollars, let alone still is)? Or is xbox trying to scam people who don't understand what they are doing?
Combined it comes out to 80 dollars plus tax (So about 87$).... which is almost 3 times the price of the hard copy of the GOTY edition sold in stores. Are they ripping people off or are one of these 30 dollar oblivions the GOTY edition of the game?
Traded your PS3 for a Xbox? Big mistake man. I got both, I recently purchased a Xbox 360 Slim and so far I'm not impressed. Slower download speeds, laggy servers, children, overheating problems, paying for a crappy service, etc. Do not buy Oblivion digitally on marketplace it is a rip off. It is much cheaper to purchase a real physical game. The last time I checked it was $10 on 360 and $30 for GOTY. If you do end up buying it digitally do it only if its the only way to possibly get the game.