I think I should clarify something. The reason I want to play the previous games is because I'm hungry for more Skyrim and I can't wait for DLC. But I'm worried that the previous games are too different than skyrim and won't satisfy my needs. I'm thinking of getting a fallout game because I haven't played a fallout game yet (skyrim is also my first bethesda game) and I've heard that fallout 3 is like skyrim with guns. I guess I should explain why I love skyrim so much.
What I really love about skyrim is the freedom and the open world. My most amazing gaming experience in recent memory (possibly in my whole life) is travelling and exploring the amazing open world, running into crazy situations, discovering secrets and miniature storylines. It's just so amazing how immersive and enthralling it is to explore and I love doing whatever you want, however you want (i'm talking about the combat and leveling system as well here) and I've never played a game that gave you so much freedom. Also, I absolutely love the ridiculous amount of things to do. Anyway, based on everythihg I've said, would playing any of the previous games satisfy my need for more skryim? Or should I just play fallout 3 or fallout new vegas?