That's cool! I wish more people were capable of this kind of communication. I, too, can communicate in a non-defensive/offensive and informative (both ways) way, but not many can. But when "they" start to attack, I'll attack right back, with no qualms.
Words alone can not do any physical damage. They can, however, incite physical actions that can and do cause physical damage. Just as guns (or any weapon) don't kill people, people kill people, words are the same. Even harassment can lead to a physical reaction, but the words alone do nothing physical. I have yet to hear about someone suffering a black eye or whiplash from words alone.
Words vs actions. Is PewDiePie a member of any "nazi-esque" group? Has he physically assaulted (actions) anyone? No. He was condemned by his words alone with no proof what-so-ever.
PS: I'm one of the strange birds that don't care if someone is a racist, a homophobe, a sixist, or any kind "ist." Let them be. It is their loss, missing out on some great interactions with people of all kinds. One can not force another into their way of thinking, which is the usual tactic taken by both extremes