Bye Crytek, bye Crysis of Duty.

Post » Sun May 08, 2011 9:01 am


Day after the patch, first server I enter, one guy uses the grenade launcher on the SCAR, with unlimited ammo and a rate of fire from hell. Explosions everywhere. But hey, there's a 1% chance he will be WARNED, yeah!!! That'll teach him. Sigh, what a monumental fail this is, very disappointing.

Love the game, fantastic fun. At least could have been. Will not play again, after enduring this **** until reaching Level 37, I now give up. Other games cry for attention, and they leave me satisfied and not pissed off.

Paying money for a game just to get virtually raqed and pissed upon, was not the emotional response I was hoping for. Crytek, I will remember this fail. Never EVER release something that isn't finished, or meet the basic requirements of the customer base. Perhaps circumstances forced your early release and/or the lack of sufficient quality control, in any way, those are only reasons, not excuses.
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El Khatiri
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 4:16 am

I agree but unfortunently i dont think crytek really cares they made there money jokes on us.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 5:21 am

Paying money for a game just to get virtually raqed and pissed upon, was not the emotional response I was hoping for. Crytek, I will remember this fail.

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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 9:09 pm

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 6:15 am

Stop playing MP till its fixed and start playing SP
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 12:51 am

Stop playing MP till its fixed and start playing SP

Yeah cus SP works...
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 7:32 am

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?

Maybe there's a reason so many people are quitting or mad that they bought the game... Hmmmmmmmmm.....
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 6:31 pm

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?

Maybe there's a reason so many people are quitting or mad that they bought the game... Hmmmmmmmmm.....

That's fine but there's no need to hold a press conference on the forums. Just move on.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 5:02 am

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?

So people(crytek) can see how people think and act upon this port. Quit your biching and go play crysis 2.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 7:19 am

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?

Maybe there's a reason so many people are quitting or mad that they bought the game... Hmmmmmmmmm.....

That's fine but there's no need to hold a press conference on the forums. Just move on.

dude, you pay 50 euros for a game, you should at least expect that the game WORKS
Crytek makes millions on us and all they do is release a game that is full of errors and hackers..
you don't just move on. you paid for a game so you want to play the game
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 6:36 pm

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?

So people(crytek) can see how people think and act upon this port. Quit your biching and go play crysis 2.

Crytek already knows. You've posted enough bich threads for all of us. Most people enjoy the game. A few vocal whiners like yourself post multiple spam threads making it seem like more people hate the game than actually do. It's not a port, but I don't expect you to know the difference since your just a troll and a hater. It's not Cryteks fault that your Mom didn't pay enough attention to you when you were little. If you think the game is a port, move on to something else then. No amount of patches will change that.
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 1:46 am

Whats this talk about a broken game? Mine works fine

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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 5:23 am

After i tried both sp/mp. Id say this game is all about sp, its fun, its long and i didnt reach any bugs apart from some glitches here and there. mp is a disaster (some modes are like 2-3 mins long)
Thats why sp games should never have mp. The time wasted on mp could be put into sp for an even more epic game.
Awesome Developers like Bethesda, cd project and, batman devs, have not put in mp in their upcoming games cause it will reduce the amount of sp content they can put. But not all devs think like that. In this case crytek wanted to copy cod with the difference of a suit and a rushed mp.

The worst thing is that the mp is broken and the next content for crysis 2 will come for mp instead of sp. **** it
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 7:01 am

So, gamesas forums just turned into YourCrysis forums, for Crying. Dude, it's not like they can do much of anything about people who abuse the system. Cheating happens in almost every online game.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:54 pm

yeh but giving up shows that they've just won.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 2:15 am

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?

Maybe there's a reason so many people are quitting or mad that they bought the game... Hmmmmmmmmm.....

That's fine but there's no need to hold a press conference on the forums. Just move on.Yes, there's a need: this is the official game forum. This is the main place that people can say how angry they are, with the game.

You may not like it.

But this is the place.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 7:18 am

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alicia hillier
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:57 pm

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?

So people(crytek) can see how people think and act upon this port. Quit your biching and go play crysis 2.

Crytek already knows. You've posted enough bich threads for all of us. Most people enjoy the game. A few vocal whiners like yourself post multiple spam threads making it seem like more people hate the game than actually do. It's not a port, but I don't expect you to know the difference since your just a troll and a hater. It's not Cryteks fault that your Mom didn't pay enough attention to you when you were little. If you think the game is a port, move on to something else then. No amount of patches will change that.

I can agree about the complaining getting out of hand but for you to say that Crysis 2 is not a port means you are either blind or just sucha fan of Crytek that you will defend them no matter what. Its ok that the game is a port. I dont see the negative there if you support the game on PC. But the actions taken in the last 3 weeks from Crytek has been sub par and realistically anyone in there right mind can see this game as a port. An ex developer from crytek who now works for ubisoft was asked the question is it a port and he said, I CAN NOT ANSWER THAT QUESTION; he could have just said no but he didnt.

and from what I ve seen most people enjoying the game on console I cant see how PC gamers are enjoying the game because it is very difficult to even find people on multiplayer. Maybe you meant the single player.

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Jason King
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 6:45 am

I own the GTX 590 and I made this review on "The Card is very powerful, exceeding the power expectations shown in the previews. The 630mhz clock version gets 141FPS with Dirt 2 and Bad Company 2 with AFx16 and AAx32 at 1920x1080 gets me 97FPS and with Crysis 2...I am not going there as Crysis 2 does not qualify as a benchmark as many gamers are already aware. This card is very easy to clean although you do have to remove four screws before taking off the cover. The GTX 590 is very quiet which is good for the two other people that I live with."

I wasted $60 on this joke of game I stopped playing this game after two days of playing. This game will end up just like Medal of honor hacked to death and no support.

This game was such waste of time and money for Crytek

WE ARE NOT BETA TESTERS CRYTEK I want my money back.
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 7:57 pm

I personally would recommend the game for Console only.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 10:46 am

So, gamesas forums just turned into YourCrysis forums, for Crying. Dude, it's not like they can do much of anything about people who abuse the system. Cheating happens in almost every online game.

It's the amount of cheating and the ease of cheating in this game that makes people angery. It just takes a simlpe edit with notepad and poof, you can cheat in MP. Get your serial number banned? Use the number generater make a knew one and poof! Your back online cheating to your hearts content.
The problem is Crytek did not, it seems, implement even decent security measures around their content. The player information it seems does not even check against any type of server based system. It is all on the local machine. You should really learn a few things before spouting off.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 2:46 am

I personally would recommend the game for Console only.

Even on consoles this game has problems.Pretty much like PC version but without cheaters.
I wonder if you can play online on console with a cracked Xbox. o_O
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 10:31 pm

Hopefully you won't post anymore of these "Look at me " attention threads now that you're no longer playing. Why do peopl feel the need to hold a "Press conference" on the forums when they decide to stop playing a game?

This type of attitude and appeasemant will only let developers get away with stuff like this. I don't care if it's a console port, Press start to begin - whatever. The problems are in the BUGS. I and many other people have never been able to log in to multiplayer. Single player has many irritating bugs too.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:33 pm

Here how i see it, i doubt its Crytek's fault.. and it might be... but i see a pattern within the last 2 years...

1) Bad company 2 game comes out the servers are Not working properly.
2) MOH comes out, **** load of bugs/hackers, server issues
3) Crysis 2.. well we all know the issues..

I think this is EA's fault and not the developers... as i see EA name on all these games... these are only few games i have played but i am sure that their are many more games with EA's name on the cover that have issues... but i agree crysis 2 did really make a fool of it self.. going from the almighty "CRYSIS" to "i got your 60 now F off" ...
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:08 pm

i just ignore MP cheaters
yes, it's not so comfortable when you got **** again and again by one kid idiot, but i enjoy the process and can ignore morrons. btw not every game have a cheater like a week ago
anyway the most annoying thing for me is SP and fully changed gamestyle and **** up textures that makes the game looks far not perfectly. i would like to have advanced video setting and i want the better quality picture. some textures in the game are just awefull
and i permanently feel that my PC became a console
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