C0DA and the Loveletter

Post » Fri May 06, 2011 4:14 am

I've been lurking about these forums for a while now - about since a couple days after I discovered TIL and went on a binge reading there. I like to think I have a decent grasp of the metaphysics of TES on their lower levels, but ever since I happened across the CHIM thread I've been ruminating on the Loveletter. A search of the forums led me to at least a vague understanding of what C0DA is - a future civilization, if I understood right, sort of on the same level as a sci-fi civ. Which is an oversimplification in all likelihood but still.

What I want to ask about though in in regards to this line from the Loveletter:

The C0DA broke when Twice Vehk appeared again from Aether, but they captured enough of Him to render the words stable again.

That's a reference to the ALMSIVI Dragonbreak, isn't it? I mean, I could be misinterpreting, but it sounds like it's referring to that particular event, and therefore Aka.

So, is C0DA a fragment of Akatosh, in a sense? Or are all my ideas here wrong-headed in the extreme?
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 3:10 am

I have absolutely no idea about anything regarding C0DA (I haven't even read the Loveletter yet), but that quote does sound like it's referring to ALMSIVI at Red Mountain. I can't think of anything that "Twice Vehk" could refer to, except that "one red moment" of apotheosis.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 12:06 pm

C0DA is - a future civilization

Perhaps I'm not an expert here. We shall see.

I think you're right here, I suspect it is the/a possible future civilization outcome of Tamriel's peoples. I think C0DA could also be the name of a face of Aka/Shor to this society, one which is central to their ideology as a whole.

Your quote about word stability however is fascinating taken in retrospect, and how in more than a few sideline-level texts the Alphabet and names take on such a significant role. I hate to do this in fear of imminent flaming, but there's one other race which puts an emphasis like this on language that we know anything of from their creation myth. Makes me wonder what the future Digital worshippers learned from the Tsaesci. :flamethrower:
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 3:56 pm

I got the impression from reading the passages a long time back that C0da is more like an AI, an intelligent database. The second coming of Vivec is what's being referred to, AFAIK; an event that will take place in some distant Fourth Era year.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 7:53 am

I got the impression from reading the passages a long time back that C0da is more like an AI, an intelligent database. The second coming of Vivec is what's being referred to, AFAIK; an event that will take place in some distant Fourth Era year.

I had actually considered that both before and after I heard the thing about civilization (and to cite my sources, I heard that in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1106627-the-loveletter/page__p__16333767__hl__c0da__fromsearch__1#entry16333767). It sounds like an AI, yeah. In that thread someone also mentioned it being said that the Digit in Digitals should be thought of not as "numbers" but as "fingers" which might suggest that C0DA rules through the Digitals, being a computer itself.

The thing is, rather than dissecting some new writing of Vehk's from his return, they apparently simply recovered text from the 35th Sermon - and I'll grant you it's possible that every copy was either lost or destroyed in the Oblivion crisis, I'd think that at least some would've made their way abroad. Which is why I'm still wondering if C0DA doesn't refer to Akatosh, but a... different Akatosh? I mean, I'll grant you it seems rather unlikely, but I can't help but wonder.
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 6:10 am

That's a reference to the ALMSIVI Dragonbreak, isn't it? I mean, I could be misinterpreting, but it sounds like it's referring to that particular event, and therefore Aka.

So, is C0DA a fragment of Akatosh, in a sense? Or are all my ideas here wrong-headed in the extreme?

Yes, it's that Dragon Break.

But there is no hierarchy of ideas where one idea must be part of another. You might want to look at what idea Akatosh and the C0DA represent instead.
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 4:01 am

Well, the angle I was coming at it from was that C0DA was one future out of many, if you will - one of those "possibilities" like occurred during the first Break where Cyrodiil was an Empire and an Egg. After your comment and a second glance at the quote I took from the Loveletter it's pretty clear that that's wrong, since C0DA would have been a result of the ALMSIVI break rather than what ALMSIVI broke.

Thanks, that cleared some stuff up for me! I'll probably need some more time to come to a complete understanding of it but I'm decidedly less confused than I was when I first read the Loveletter.
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