This is an ongoing compilation of all Crytek posts from the Multiplayer Q&A thread so far. Don't dig through endless pages looking for Crytek posts, I'm here to do that for you! (or at least, I will try). Since it's all on one page, simply use Ctrl+F to look for keywords, there's a good chance your query has already been answered!
Posts are in chronological order. Remember this is NOT where you ask questions to the devs, post those in the actual ongoing Q&A thread.
A massive thanks to Fellblade, JohnC and MattB (all Crytek devs) and the rest of the Crytek team for spending so much time and effort responding to us - you guys rock!
Got some burning questions about Crysis 3 MP? Post them here and we'll do our best to answer them. People answering will be:
- -Fellblade- is Lead Programmer
- JohnC is the Technical Designer
- MattB is a Designer
Some other notes:
- Duplicated questions will be ignored
- Trolling will also be ignored
- We'll be answering as and when we can. Devs have work to do - I'll be responding in my spare time and when code is compiling.
- We're MP devs; we have no SP information to give you!
- Power Struggle is not in C3MP. There's one currently officially unannounced gamemode which I'm sure you can find some hints to out on the internet
- In terms of ground-floor area, Museum and Airport are pretty decently sized. There might be a couple which are a bit larger, but some of them that have a lower X/Y limit are much more complicated and multi-layered on the Z plane so have a larger total volume. Matt B knows my favourite one
- There is no official announcement about mod support at this time.
- There has been no announcement about DLC
- Spectator Mode code was something that was prototyped in C3MP but due to time constraints we ended up having to drop it, which was a great shame.
- We actively monitor both community feedback and telemetry data to inform our balance changes
- Pole throw range was nerfed from the Alpha because a OHK at the extreme ranges you could get them was deemed as too powerful. In part due to community feedback!
- Sorry, the Beta is over!
- We have a playlist that allows newer players to play amongst themselves, but there is not currently skill based matchmaking implemented in Crysis 3
- There will not be Co-op in Crysis 3
- The killcam is something we always want to improve. There were significant improvements from Alpha to Beta, and a few fixes from the Beta to the main release
- No official announcement about patches has been made yet
- If people aren't sailing off into the distance when you hit a home run using a six foot metal pole, then that's a bug - they should be doing so
Are some trees in MP meant to disappear if you lower your graphic settings ?

- DSG1+reflex and assault scopes have a tiny tiny bit of spread. There was a bug that slipped through the net in C2 where all zoom modes modified the spread to 0. This was fixed in the C3 Alpha as it was never intended that DSG1+ reflex is 100% accurate for infinity.If its not hitting relatively close up, then that's a bug
- Changes to the melee system are being considered but I can't talk about what they are or guarantee if anything will change with it at this time. Everyone's opinions on the OHK non armour melee have been heard though from the Open beta.
- The Predator Bow was by far the hardest to balance for MP. It had to feel like a bow rather than a point and click weapon, yet had to be good enough to stand up to weapons such as the Feline spitting out 1200rpm
- Developers Choice will become clear on release day
- For tweaking stuff, did you try CrytekBaldurs Cvar Tool ?
How do I uninstall C3 beta ? It's not on my program list in control panel.
Should be able to do it through Origin?
In the patch notes for the Beta, the Marshall damage was listed only as "tweaked." Could you go into a bit more detail as to what changed? !
As it's the most requested weapon clarification, I'll do some indepth answers for it.
-Damage drop per pellet per meter was increased by 15%
-The minimum distance at which full damage per pellet is applied was reduced from 10m to 8m
-The range where the point blank pellet damage multiplier was set to fall off between 2-4m instead of 3-5m
-Alternate fire mode had the same 15% fall off reduction and min distance changes.
So in summary it was still as lethal point blank and depending on how many pellets you hit them with, would probably still be OHK out to around 10m, rather than around 15m previously. Naturally with all these changes it would have gotten much weaker at distance as well as the damage falls off.
- I can't answer what the unannounced game mode is I'm afraid. Despite everyone being able to find out if they hunt around hard enough.
- There has always been the ability to do announcements from the dedi, but only using the dedi console
- There is not the ability to ban specific weapons on servers
- Admins cannot move players between teams. As you hopefully saw in the beta, clients are provided with the ability to switch teams if they are unbalanced
- Admins ban via player name, but that gets saved out as a GUID which is anologous to a CD Key ban from that server
- We're not committing to any ADS customization possibilities right now
- As far as I'm aware there weren't any alien weapons omitted from the console beta versions. They do spawn randomly so it's possible you didn't see them all
- We fixed at least one bug that meant you could be stuck unable to fire after air stomping for the release version of the game. I can't guarantee that catches all of the use cases.
- Due to the nature of certification on console, console patches will tend to be released later and less frequently than PC patches.
- There won't be a theatre mode added to the game; a change of that magnitude is beyond the scope of a patch for C3
- Rebooting things I'll leave to JohnC
- We haven't announced any patches yet
- Private Match variants on console closely match Dedicated Server options on PC. Module availability included
- There are no new unique weapons for rebooting. Players who wish to reboot and go at it again from scratch won't benefit from having weapons that people who get to level 50 and don't want to reboot, can't get.
- SCAR can equip laser sight (and silencer!) in C3MP
There are 8 gamemodes in C3MP and all of them have been officially revealed by Mike Read during an interview. Is "SPEAR" this mode you speak of?

Are the spread values when hipfiring and ADS firing on the move the same? How does distance effect both? Currently hipfiring with laser sight seems OP over distance imo.
Hip fire spread values (and for that matter recoil) are different to ADS values for spread/recoil. They are always greater than ADS and even with Point Fire Enhance should not be dramatically better. For example:
Ignore these values, they are for ease of working out, not actual values
If you default spread if a value of 10.0 and the ironsight ADS modifier is 0.5, your spread when ADS will be 5. If you have a module that reduces your default spread by 20%, your default spread will be 8 and your ADS spread will now be 4.0
There is also a movement modifier which typically modifies your spread/recoil upwards when moving by a percentage based on your actual movement speed. Someone firing from the hip and moving full speed will be going for example 10m/s, so if they had the above module their spread value would now be 8.8. If they were ADS and moving then their movement speed is reduced anyway so the penalty is less, it would work out to around 4.2
Thanks for the link, Rukumouru. In that case, yes I'm referring to Spears.
I feel less bad for missing it given it's not in a language I can understand particularly well!
Will we have the option to disable ADS firing in free aim in private matches? Might be a fun experience.
Afraid not. I don't think that's anything we've every considered actually, though it sounds intriguing
Clans as an entity are not tracked within Crysis 3. There are Squad Challenges that the squad can work towards as a group.
Is Assault game mode changed? I mean are there any differences compared to Crysis 2?
- Assault mode is essentially the same objective (download the data) but now has even teams so that 8 v 8 on PC and 6 v 6 on console. The loadouts have been updated and we've made some tweaks to the HUD too.
In addition all game modes are unlocked from the start in C3 (Unlike C2). It's great to hear people ask about Assault as it's one of my favourite modes in the game!
Can we skip kill cams and the end of match kill cams in the final game?
- There aren't currently any plans for this.
You see, in Crysis 2 assault was a bit broken when you had the nanosuited soldiers camping with HMGs, hopefully it won't be the case in C3
HMG's should not appear in Assault now.
- Realistically we're unlikely to be able to add more clan-focussed features into the game post-release. There would need to be significant infrastructure added as it just isn't in place at the moment
- In game modes where the final kill is significant, such as Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch, the final kill is shown to all players
- There are some Host Migration fixes in release. It's hard to comment on whether something as complex as host migration issues are 'fixed' or not as the number of potential combinations are staggering, but I can say that some issues were identified and fixed.
- Hunter respawn time -> JohnC or MattB
- Having C1 or C2 does not give you any items or skins or such I'm afraid
- We've not announced anything with regards to DLC
The current Hunter respawn time is part of the balance in the game, we tried hundreds of combinations of roundtimes and respawn times to get to where we are.
Why are there still remains of power struggle lite in the code?
Simply because we didn't take the time to delete them. I don't think there are actually any references in the code, there are just a few script files lying around
Assault is my favourite mode, now its unlocked by default I hope more people can experience the awesome tension it offers.
- PowerStruggleLite was actually much closer to the original Power Struggle mode. The many of the internal references to Spears are actually 'PowerStruggle'.
- We're unlikely to make too many changes to auto armour itself, at least in the short term, but some potential changes that have been talked about will affect usage of it. Balancing is an iterative process. The metagame changes as the life of the game goes on.
Is the problem that stopped the Xbox from getting the two Data Patches (Cloud Updates) solved for the full release?
Once you have unlocked the Bow's special arrows, will you be able to change between them during a match via the in-game weapon customization menu (Back-Button)?pment customization menu.
Data patching on the retail version of the game wont be affected by the same problem that the X360 had in the Open Beta.
You will be able to use all the arrows as you'd expect.
You say the Typhoon fires 500 rounds per second, but it doesn't. (It'd empty it's mag in 1 second then.)
Balance and technical reasons for MP. Imagine the network cost of 16 players firing 500 rounds a second all at once

Fellblade could probably give you the actual amount of data this would need to send.
The Typhoon in SP is much more like 500 rounds a second.
- The player's view position is inside both the model and the hitbox
- Crysis 3 will be using a server provider program as with Crysis 2.
- We've been monitoring all the forums. Telemetry has shown average frame rates are up significantly from Crysis 2 MP on console
- All game modes will be playable on all maps
Fellblade could probably give you the actual amount of data this would need to send.
There will be ongoing balance changes. Any specific ones it's probably not a good idea for me to comment on ahead of JohnC and his magical spreadsheet
As for my question: Can anyone @ Crytek comment on the New York Feed and what features it will provide?
The New York feed shows you all of your friends progress in the front end as well as important information from us. Any unlocks, rank ups, challenges completed, skill assessments and that kind of thing will appear on it with the time and location where they were achieved.
As well as that it includes the challenge system. The challenge system is split into four sections, Social, CryNet, Squad and Lobby.
- Social challenges are set by yours and friends personal bests. The game randomly picks a stat that either you have done particularly well at or they have and then issues you a challenge based on it. Sometimes it will randomly pick from a number of predefined challenges too. The higher the challenge goal the higher the XP reward. Challenges can bounce back and forward between you and your buddies with ever increasing totals.
- CryNet challenges are all pre-defined challenges set by us.
- Squad challenges are exactly as they sound. Group challenges that everyone in your squad works towards.
- Lobby challenges similar to social challenges but they can be set by anyone in your current session.
In short the New York Feed helps you keep up to date with everything going on in your Crysis universe!
i also love assault..BUT, will the cell have less restricted movement than c2? it would be great if they had the same freedom of movement as cell in hunter mode.
is there any possibility of putting the c2 DLC in map rotation as free DLC?(really great maps)
great job on the beta and really looking forward to the full release.
- They will still have limited movement. This is what makes the game mode so interesting. One team with limited movement but greater firepower against one with greater movement with weaker firepower.
In any case the CELL team in Hunter move at the same speed as the non-nanosuit team in Assault.
- This hasn't been discussed and while it's a cool idea I would think it's unlikely for all kinds reasons we have little control over.

PSL went through approximately one million iterations*
Sample gamerules of one version was below:
- Each team had a starting base and a 'significant item' (base/ship/whatnot) that was in the background of the level
- Three points on the map that you had to hold by staying close to them for X seconds (standard cap-over-time mechanic)
- Each point on the map gave your team's super weapon energy. In prototyping the super weapon was just a JAW model with some special handling in the code
- The three points on the map had automated turrets on them that shot at the enemy. I can't remember the exact mechanic behind what circumstances they shot at you under.
- When the superweapon was charged, it became available from the starting base. You then had to get a shot off aimed at the enemy 'significant item'
*May not actually have been one million iterations
Can anyone from Crytek comment on how many newkillstreaks will be available in this game? The only new one we've seen so far is the Swarmer, but one can only assume there will be other new killstreaks as well.
Also do you know if the killstreak stat will continue to keep counting kills if you lived through the end of the match into the next match? (like Crysis 2 did)
There are two new killstreaks, one of them being the Swarmer, and a number of tweaks to the killstreaks from C2.
Killstreaks are maintained through rounds, but not matches.
What happened to the female voice from c2 that said bang the drum?
People were fed up with her being mean to them even when they managed to win.
This is amazing. I'm serious, please press the higher ups to get this out the door for Crysis 3. This can single-handedly increase Crysis 3 PC sales beyond expectations.
It just didn't play very well.
Re: 3d models - we have a large bunch of very talented modelling / texturing folk in-house
Can you please confirm or deny that the talk about a module that increases melee damage / punching power, was just a rumor?
- Just a rumour.
In C3 mutiplayer will their be bots (AI's) that we can play with?
If there is bots (AI's), can you still earn your exp,level up and whatever else you earn?
- Sorry, there are no bots in C3.
Why would you abandon PSL?
You guys always have it so close and then you focus on much more inferior things. PSL could have made the game THE GAME of the god damned century. And no spectator mode? EVERY GAME has a spectator mode, how can you after 3 years launch another game without it? It's un-fathomable!
- I totally understand your frustration about Powerstruggle, but there are numerous reasons we decided not to pursue it. I'm not sure how much detail I can go into here, but I think I can say we had a hard job making it fun and to really do the mode justice other areas of the game would have suffered. We would never drop something without proper justification.
The same thing applies to a spectator mode. It's not something you can easily retroactively add without significant knock-on to other areas of the game. As in all game development you have to prioritise your resources. You can go into these things with the best will in the world but the reality of dates, schedules and manpower plays an important role.
How many Nanosuit Modules can we expect to see in Release?
I don't have a number offhand I'm afraid, V12840. JohnC might be able to hook you up tomorrow when he gets into work.
- P4NCH0: Outside of Hunter there is not a way to replenish your explosives without dying
- Sia109: A couple of specific modules may have their progression rate tweaked based on telemetry we have obtained from the beta
- The Armour Boost death streak module isn't something we're currently looking to change. The player in question needs to have died four times in a row with no kills in order to obtain it... so they hopefully shouldn't be too much of a threat to you anyway.
- Whether flashbangs should affect friendlies or not is going to be a design call; we definitely haven't been viewing it as a bug
- EMP grenades affecting friendlies is a bug.
Generally I'd also like to avoid debate on this thread; it should be cut and dried: you guys have questions, we have answers. Let's keep it snappy

I've seen fat Catchers for the Yankees slide into home and get up faster then this nanosuit dude who can run a warp speeds and not make sounds while running, indicating that he is quick and light on his feet. But when he slides, it's as depressing as watching a beached whale slide back into the ocean :*(
To be fair, the fat catchers for the Yankees aren't sliding on concrete

(Yes, I am aware that the C3MP slide distance / speed is not actually surface material dependent)
WRT the EMP grenades, anything like that would be run past design before a change is made.
Talon, I think the simplest and most accurate response to your kind of meta-question is basically: Crysis 2 and 3 aren't Crysis 1. Crysis 1 is still there if you want it - Crysis 2 and 3 are different

I got a question, how many members of Crytek UK have even played Crysis, Warhead, or Wars? Like how many out of the total development team?
Every single one of the original core development team of C2MP. When we heard Crytek were buying us but before it had gone through we spent a ton of time playing multiplayer in the office. I had a significant advantage because I'd already played a significant chunk of Crysis Wars MP...
- I'd like to carry on the dialogue with players after release.
- Random stuff answers in order:
- I like Nottingham's Castle Brewery Screech Owl
- Screech Owl
- I'll hit the pub on a Friday every other week or so. There's also GameCityNights once a month that quite a few folk attent
- No. Coding and alcohol don't mix. Really, really don't mix.
- We've got a surprisingly tight team and everyone gets along pretty well. Not something that'll make any headlines, but there ya go
Do you guys plan to continue this awesome dialogue between players and devs when the game is released?
Hopefully! We'll try and grab some more of the dev team and shove them on here as well. We might even let CalimariDinosaur out of his box.
Some more responses in no particular order:
- Pinger first person view was trialled but was incredibly hard to use due to the size of the Pinger. You often got stuck on things you couldn't see and it was generally a pain to use.
- As Fellblade said all the core team sunk many hours in to Crysis Wars and as he said, thats Crysis 1. I have about 3 copies of Crysis in various guises now.
- SCAR+Laser shouldn't be able to give you a speed boost, could never repro it in C3MP
- Design will monitor the flashbang/EMP situation once the game goes live and if we feel it needs changes we will act. Just because it behaves a certain way in real life doesnt make gameplay gold
- We can tweak the match highlights, its set up so we can weight certain awesome actions to show up more.
- There were a few bugs fixed with sliding between Open Beta and Release, especially one to do with getting stuck standing up/sliding.
- Armor Boost does not stack.
- Swarmer responsiveness is much better in the release version, you also automatically drop it when empty
- Including all variations of weapons, plus explosives there are over 35 weapons in C3MP
- There are 19 modules and most of these have been reworked since C2MP to provide better balance, there are totally new ones and some have been combined, some have also been removed.
- Ladder climbing was dropped as with the addition of ledgegrabs and tweaked power jumps it wasn't used anywhere near as much.
I'm going to clear out some of the 'discussion' posts here to try and keep it focussed on a Q&A, including the flashbang / stun grenade back and forth
Done. A couple of posts asking duplicate questions also removed.
RPGs have grinding! Not FPS'!
This! It really grinds my gears when I hear people say they actually like grinding
But you enjoy grinding (your gears)..!

You aren't forced to do so and if you don't feel the benefit is worth it I'd say don't bother rebooting.
Do you guys plan to continue this awesome dialogue between players and devs when the game is released?
As Fellblade and JohnC have already said we would really like to. It's worth remembering that we do this in our spare time.
People were fed up with her being mean to them even when they managed to win.
I banged her drum so good on Lighthouse in C2.
I hated that woman. She was unnecessarily mean. Why was she so concerned with me sending my money home to momma!? And if she thought a bunch of 4th graders could have done a better job she ought to change her recruitment policies.
Will there be VTOLs in MP or any driving vehicles?
If yes,
Are the maps going to be big enough to support them?
If no,
Will there be big maps?
There will be VTOLs in a number of maps, but they aren't drivable.
There are definitely some larger maps. I'd say that Airport and Museum are perhaps on the large side of medium.
also is there gonna be another 5 killstreak beside the swarmer or will every map have max radar and swarmer as 3 and 5 killstreak?
and is Max Nanosuit also the only 10 killstreak?
Max radar is always on 3, there are two on 5 (Swarmer and a new killstreak), two on 7 (gunship and Orbital Strike) and Max suit always on 10.
What other objects can be used as weapons?
We have various types of poles and panels that you can use to pang people with. Most levels have a number of unique environmental things in them too - more stuff like the chopper in Museum.
Is there any chance that XP boost module can be terminated. It makes the leader boards for XP ranking a farce, as most will play game modes like Crashsite with that module and be at leader board position higher than those that are better Crysis players playing mainly TDM (the most popular mode). In the BETA alone I seen far too many people playing with this selfish perk designed to artificially create the feeling of being "good at something."
We might possibly tweak how much it boosts your XP but it is pretty unlikely that it'll be terminated. Remember you have to forgo a module to have it in your loadout so its not free XP by any means.
It's not designer to 'artificially create the feeling of being "good at something."' It's designed to allow player to boost through the ranks quicker at times when they might feel like the next unlock or achievement is going to take ages to grind to.
1) Is it too late to change the name 'Crysis 3', to ' Kickpuncher 3 : The Final Kickening ' ?
What about Kickpuncher 2: Codename Kickpunch
I'll get on the phone to EA asap.
I worked at FRD (Free Radical Design) before they were bought by Crytek
Customisation wise we have weapon skins but a change for C3MP is the dog tag system. We have a lot more interesting tags and a lot more frames to customise them with.
The big change is that these are now viewable in your victims killercam whereas previously you could only check them out in the lobby.
Is the final build better optimised than beta?
IlDamageIl: You don't want to know if it's "Better optimized", you want to know if the overall performance is better or not. The release game has some optimizations in it, which speed things up, and has some bug fixes, which may slow things down. I don't know how the overall performance has been affected.
Font size does not affect whether I read the post or not.
Will more maps have interactive elements, like the moving pillars in Central Cavern, or the choppers in Museum?
Even though that Crysis 1 is different to 2 and 3, will Crysis 3 let you be able to pick up almost any object and throw at like shot down pieces of a tree leg, a rock, a hat? At least in single player.
In SP yes you'll be able to pick up stuff as you were able to in C1 and C2. You can only pick up certain objects in MP.
There was no intentional difference in the variety of alien weapons available on the consoles compared to the PC. They should have five, the same as the PC
Thanks for bringing more dynamics and elements into mp. Always gotta be on your toes.
Still havent heard the number of alien weapons intended to be on xbox? (Pc had 5) and can you explain random?
There will be 5 on all platforms, not sure why some people only found two just on Xbox.
As for the randomisation, when the level is loaded the games picks 3/5 alien weapon types to spawn for the match. It helps alleviate the issue where people know where all the weapons spawn and rush there at the start.
I don't get the time to follow much in the way of eSports really. The time for gaming I do get, I tend to spend gaming instead of watching other people do it. There are a few exceptions, mind

Sorry if my reply was rude. Second try.
Will pistols change too? Such as the Majestic six pistol? Like more damage? Or is there not yet an answer for this?
We did a data patch during the Open Beta that increased pistol damage.
(Apologies, last 4 posts removed... please stay on topic and on Q&A format)
Q2. Following on.. what was the decision to not have arrows collectible/returnable from dead victims like in singleplayer?
Multiplayer is much faster than Singleplayer where you have extra time to be tactical and plan getting your arrows back. It was found that it was an annoyance to do this in MP so we dropped it and increased the default arrow count.
You have to pick up their dog tag anyways. Why not have the player collect their arrows at the same time?.
That's fine provided you get a kill with every hit, if you miss them by inches you could end up having to traverse a long way to get an arrow back. The player movement speed in MP is much higher than most enemies you will find in SP.
(Apologies, last 4 posts removed... please stay on topic and on Q&A format)It was a legit question

How does the orbital strike pass through the nanodomes?
Or will that be answered in the SP?
Glass doesn't block lasers, especially lasers from space. Theres also a nice bit in SP which will help for those wanting a deeper fictional explanation.
We have not announced anything about DLC as of yet
Just a FYI. There are actually 2 remakes of C2 maps. The other one is from a DLC map that I believe was called shipyard. It's called Williamsburg in C3.
Williamsburg is good fun. Still prefer East River thou

How is the map rotation because it was pretty shoddy in C2 meaning pairs would reset and some maps were replayed or never paired together or rarely played?
Should be fixed now, we spent a lot of time getting the playlists right and randomisation working. You should hopefully see a lot more of all the levels rather than Skyline all the time.
Are the mp maps cut from sp like C2 had?
Actually a lot of the C2 ones were unique to MP or so far evolved from their SP counterparts they were virtually indistinguishable. SP actually took quite a few bits of unique MP maps and put them in SP so it worked both ways.
C3MP has a lot of unique levels plus a few from SP that have been heavily reworked by the talented guys to suit the MP playstyle.
- Can you please keep editing first post adding answered questions to it?
- Stormaj; this thread is already taking up quite a bit of my free time at the moment, and updating the initial post with everything will cut into that even more... so, sorry, but I can't really find the time to do it myself.
Hello everyone. I need ask only once. What was wrong with russian servers during the beta? I mean provider. A lot of ppl can't connect to them. - Bartko; first I've heard of that. I'll speak to our EA contacts and see if they're heard anything
I am colourblind and it's a challenge to play with the red/blue used in Crysis 3 as of now. Up close it's OK even for me to see the difference, but when just some distance is added I am up **** creek without a paddle.
My son has no problems telling the teams apart, but I always end up games with being the guy shooting at my own team the most. No major harm done, but it is boring for me.
I would love to see more coloured sections on the player models and I would really love to get a choice of colour. If I had a palette of colours to choose from I could find something that works better for me.
I have had no problems of choosing enemy colours in almost all Quake games I have played since 1998, so I don't see a problem for Crysis 3 to add that feature as well.
Is there any info about Crysis 3 adding support the 10% colour blind males that want to play?
I svck at this game as it is, I don't really benefit from having a hard time to tell friend and foe apart - Gandalf; there's nothing right this moment, but your concern is on my radar.
this was mentioned before but i dont know if it was answerd
would it be possible down the line to maybe add certain things to our helmets to show we have rebooted, a reward would be nice for a reboot and each reboot something for example a spike is added etc, something visable or even like the v on the old c2 reboot symbols so when you reach 5th reboot you will have 5 v's or ^'s on ur helmet.....
or and im gonna kick myself for saying this cause i hate COD, but i like the idea that you can make an emblem,iv notived that on the back of the helmet in c3 multiplayer is a square cell logo so maybe sometime down the line it could be replaced by a customized emblem. (would be a good thing for clans imo)
thanks - RespectPlayers: you just don't see people for enough time for any form of customization on the nanosuit to be visible. Half the time they're cloaked, the other half of the time they're running towards you at 50mph with an assault rifle.
Because it's really hard to track all the good questions and answers throughout 35 pages. Thank you!
LTag is back but heavily tweaked to be less spammy and generally less terrible for gameplay.
- There are a max of five custom classes
- Pro mode is in the full game. I can't remember how many game modes are supported by that variant; it's not something I have much interaction with.
- You can't swap nanosuit modules ingame like you can hot swap gun attachments
- The gauss rifle acts like other weapons in game. There may be a perceived difference due to the particle effect it generates not always appearing hitscan
- This is an MP Q&A. We're not answering SP related questions.
- I don't quite see what the ability to drop your weapons would give you? Maybe I'm missing something here.
can you answer my questions about the MP graphics on console? alot of people arent particually impressed with them on xbox and ps3 during the beta, will there be improvements in the final game? the big complaint is that crysis 2 actually looks alot better
I can't really comment on what "looks better" as its totally down to user preference and don't really want to get into a debate about it in this Q&A.
All I know is that between the Open Beta and release all the MP levels had lots of optimisations done to them and I know that all levels have much more detail in them than C2MP and run much better than C2MP levels did.
C3 looks much better on consoles to me than C2 did, for other users it might not be the same due to their opinions.
There's a series of videos on gametrailers linked on the forums that will allow you to see the design of all of the multiplayer maps
And my question: Is this because the vegetation required compromises to be made on other aspects of the game?
Not directly, RnD did an amazing job behind the scenes allowing the art team to have a higher budget than C2 without compromising the frame rate.
As for the hands we had a lot of complaints that players didn't know what team they were on and were confused when some matches their hands glowed one colour and another match a different colour so for C3 we simplified it.
No matter what team you are on, you and friendlies glow blue and enemies are always red. The hand models now have team base colours on them as well (green/brown) but the actual glowing of the suit is less important than C2 for knowing which team you are on.
1: i didn't know this topic "only for MP" i thought you'll answer all questions related to Crysis 3........nope? its sad........
2: Dropping weapons was important because you have limits how many weapons can carry ( SP ) and if we'd like to have only 2- or simply 1 weapon carried throught the map, ( and of course pick up new ones if we wish to ) and it was an important part of Crysis till the messed up C2 arrived!
I still don't understand what the advantage of dropping a weapon is over swapping it for weapons on the ground.
3: can you guys open a topic for SP questions? It would be helpful, and i'm sure lot of us going to partiipate in it!
We're MP devs so don't know a lot about the finer points of SP, we would have to find some willing participants to do that

Is it possible to kill the hijacker of the pinger as he is exposed or is there something that prevents this while the animation is in play?
Nope, you don't take any damage when you're doing that animation
Do you get a? specific symbol after rebooting?
Yep, you get a new rank icon.
Will there be a hardcoe/Pro mode in MP? if so will t be for all game modes?
Yep we have ranked hardcoe variants for Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch and unranked hardcoe variants can be set up for any of the other modes via private match.
I have a question about the XP module. I made a thread about it here.
To quickly summarize the thread talks about the xp modules not stacking correctly. Unless they aren't supposed to stack, but there was a hint on a loading screen suggesting that they do by telling you that you can equip multiple.
I'll find out the desired behaviour for this. It sounds like it could be a bug.
Yes Hello, I have a very important question about Multiplayer....
Will there be Tea-Bagging? lol
Yes, plenty.
I guess the Gauss is unchanged then
I think there's been some balancing done on it, possibly, but there haven't been any major changes to functionality
I think there's been some balancing done on it, possibly, but there haven't been any major changes to functionality
Why have we never seen it then? I think we saw it for 1 second in a hunter trailer.
There is plenty that hasn't been shown yet

Are there anymore new weapons (non crysis 2 ported) that haven't been shown yet?
:D exciting! Previous question: will the CryEngine 3 SDK be updated with Crysis 3 features sometime soon?
Thats one for the SDK team to answer not us I'm afraid!
Pre-loading on Origin I can't answer either, thats more an EA decision afaik.
Is there accuracy loss with the bow while moving? If there is, is it less than the other weapons? Does accuracy loss while moving differ from weapon to weapon? Can you give us a general idea of what weapons' accuracy is affected more by movement?
Every weapons spread is adjusted by movement to some extent. It can be modified per weapon and then per zoom mode. It's directly modified by the speed you are moving, falling off an object makes you move faster than ADS+walk for example so has a greater spread penalty.
Bow's and SMG's have the least deviation when moving.
It seems then, that accuracy loss while moving is correlated to the weight of the weapon. Is it safe to assume then, that pistols (as well as the Bow and SMGs) have less accuracy loss than other weapons?
That would be a safe assumption to make.
- Some playlists have multiple game types, some don't
- The orbital strike laggyness should now be fixed. I'm not going to say that you'll never drop a frame when all that craziness is going on, but it's much better
- Ripped off vs mounted HMG: the ripped off HMG is meant to have lower accuracy.
- You'll need people to join a private game explicitly
- Your ingame name will be your Origin name
- You can't gain XP in private matches
- Pro mode operates in the same way that it does in Crysis 2 MP - removal of most HUD icons & crosshair.
- In the release version the visor cannot tag a cloaker, but if a guy is tagged and goes into cloak, the tag will persist for a while but 'run out' faster.
- If you have 25 armour and 100 health, and take 50 damage, you will end up on 0 armour and 75 health.
- Re: SFX - I haven't actually watched the trailer! Game sounds have to be much more heavily compressed than we'd perhaps like due to memory constraints and streaming bandwidth.
- The concept of a dev Q&A is not a new one!
You seriously haven't watched 7 wonders of crysis 3? The game sounds in those are awesome.
Don't judge me! I've been busy!
How many players will be supported in Instant Action?
16 players for IA. Edit: On PC. On console, it's 12. I've got a PC client in front of me atm so that's what my brain was plugged into

Fellblade, what sort of interaction with the CryEngine do you have? Do you modify the source? Flowcharts? Level design?
Also, since you work on the Multiplayer, have you gotten to play the single player yet and know the entire story for Crysis 3? Or is that all kept secret to the single player designers?
I'm a programmer, so I modify the source and sometimes the scripts.
I haven't had a chance to play SP other than firing it up to make sure that MP bug fixes haven't harmed SP in any way
there will be more drivable vehicle in the future MP? like air fights ? as i see at some video ?
more then one vehicle ?
Pinger only for now. As previously mentioned you can get in the VTOL but you can't pilot it.
So err... can we chose different crosshair design?
Will there be gold dog tag holders like in C2?
You can't change the crosshair, but there are a number of new dog tag holders to choose from in C3.
Thx for the fast replies guys.
To clear up hardcoe/Pro questions . ON Ps3&Xbox360
Only Team Death match and Death match with no objective modes in public matches for Hard Core/Pro correct?
If so what is the reason behind this choice?
Will you be able to gain XP in private matches?
Do you still have a map on your HUD in HC/PRO?
You are correct. The decision was made to reduce the number of playlists we have. With every new playlist we divide the player-base and we'd rather you were able to find a game than not.
Private matches don't give XP.
Maximum TDM and DM modes have very minimal HUD, you can only see the map by entering the menu.
From viewing the mp live stream, why are some game modes combined with others? This is a huge annoyance in map voting.
Again as mentioned above the decision to combine modes into playlists is simply to ensure that you can find a game. Unlike C2 all maps feature all game modes, and the maps should be randomly selected so you won't always have the same things coming up against each other in the vote either.
I've got a good Question!!
Is there a form of "Round Robin" type game mode, which will choose Game Types at Random, then allow users to vote on the Level? (You could keep the mode a secret until the match starts)
If not, how hard would it be to implement something of that sort?
We have the Medley playlist which is similar to what you're suggesting. It has all the levels and all the modes in it. So it has every possible combination in it.
To have multiple votes on mode then map is a neat idea - I like it! But it would take some time to add and I doubt it we will see it in C3.
Will the free-for-all Instant Action mode feature players with standard black campaign nanosuits as per Crysis 1? Or will it be like Crysis 2 and have everyone in the multiplayer suit? Would greatly prefer the black campaign suits for free-for-all modes.
Also, would the devs actively adjust weapons if it becomes apparent that they're becoming OP? For example the Feline was a good-in-all-scenarios gun that was somewhat overpowered in Crysis 2. Glad to see it was fixed in Crysis 3, but as far as Crysis 2 it was never modified-- if another "Feline" were to emerge in Crysis 3 would the devs take steps to tone it down?
It won't. We're using the new C3MP suits because of team colours. It means that enemies will always have red highlights. I think it's pretty important to keep this consistent across the game.
The weapons are constantly assessed and tweaks have been happening fairly regularly to make sure certain weapons don't become overpowered. JohnC is the man who does most of the weapon changes so he'll be able to fill you in more on how the system works.
I do know that if weapons are flagged up as being OP here on the forums we do investigate the telemetry to see what's happening and if it needs nerfing. So let us know if you think something is overpowered or not.
Last night, in the live stream, they talked briefly about Maximum TDM and that is was for the hardcoe players.
What is Maximum TDM and why should hardcoe players like it?
Maximum TDM and Maximum DM are the hardcoe modes. Weapons deal increased damage and there is minimal on-screen HUD.
Will you be patching crysis 3 more often?
I mean, considering how crysis 2 got handled.
I think we ended up with... five? six? patches for Crysis 2. I'm not in control of how many patches get pushed out I'm afraid
I think there was around 8 data patches as well at least.
- Installing game on 360 vs not... I don't think we've run any tests, to be completely honest. Give it a shot. Let me know how it goes
- The game only distinguishes between cloaked and uncloaked, categorizing 'visible' and 'invisible' is somewhat more problematic.