» Wed May 09, 2012 10:51 pm
Caesar Vulpus Inculta, without any doubt.
Lanius when it comes down to it is a big goody-goody, that has some quirked views on killing people. All that "dishonesty is a dishonorable way of victory
Well how upright of you buddy. Maybe after you crucify some peoples you can at least say hey. Honesty.
Doesnt get you much, but oh well.
I dont think Sun Tsu beat a force outnumbered over 6-to-1, by saying quote "All war, is based on honesty."
Losing a war honestly, is still losing. No matter if you can wage a good battle. You hedge your bets beforehand. Nipton wouldnt been cut down to the last man through fear alone, searchlight wouldnt of been flawlessly defeated in one move, with the tactics of Lanius.
He's best for the Legion right where he is, as a brutal field commander and a general. Winning battles. Not much use to me otherwise though.
Lanius is the Sonny Corleone of the Ceasars Legion.
Lucius is similarly so; good in his station and legion role he plays. Keeps the praetorian guard loyal to the leader. Beyond which I would see him as out of his element.
Vulpes to me has all the makings for what an effective Caesar would be called to need. The plotting, thinking, conniving head to the legion body.
He is the Michael Corleone of the Legion.