Honestly dictatorship (IMO) isn't "evil" at all, it eliminates the possibility of corruption and greedy politics. Now I can't say that Caesar's Legion follows Caesar's ideals but that is simply because they dont understand them. As for the female slavery part... Well that's quite horrible, but Caesar believes that everyone is a tool in achieving his "perfect world", and to a certain extent (nob to the extent of female slavery) this is something like taking one for the team. Just imagine 400 years later when (if) Caesar conquers the world, it's resident will be very thankful of their ancestors devotion to give them that world. (just putting this out there I IN NO WAY approve of female slavery so don't verbally attack me please, thank you)
So the question is do you guys agree with me that Caesar has the right idea or do you think I'm insane and that the man is a homicidal maniac. Thoughts, opinions, questions, random outbursts?