That they are.

And Gabriel?! The people who made the GAME didn't really know what they were doing because what they MADE doesn't fit with what you want? REALLY??
I'm sorry, this discussion has been a mess for me since I'm so tired.
When did I say this?
If it's about the ending slider and Omerta; All I'm saying is that developers "can" happen to overlook things which might not be able to get fixed once the game is released.
1. Right which goes back to the start of this. The Legion does kill and/or enslave towns regardless of whether or not the towns cooperate with them if it's in their interests to do so.
2. How does it show their loyalty? I don't recall any of the Omertas expressing support for Caesar's ideals or the Legion. They're cooperating with the Legion out of self-interest just as Nipton was.
3. Agreed but I think their intention in this case was to make it pretty clear that Caesar leaves the Strip intact. If they had intended for him to burn down Gomorrah and kill everyone inside I think it might've been mentioned. Also the ending slide only refers to the Strip specifically so your other examples aren't really contradictory to what it says.
4. They certainly could've been more specific. But I don't think there's any way to interpret Caesar's Triumph as encompassing wiping out one of the most significant factions on the Strip.
5. Is it? We've been arguing at cross purposes then. Probably my fault. I've been going off the initial statement that the Legion doesn't kill/enslave towns that cooperate with them and didn't notice you switched your opinion.
1. Yes. All I'm saying is that Nipton isn't what they do to every town. Primm for example has good rest stop location for trade, resupply and hotel so Legion in one ending takes control over it without killing or enslaving anyone.
2. Well that was my take on the situation with Omerta/Legion alliance. I find them to show some form of loyalty to Caesar, maybe out of self interest, maybe it's minor, but a form of loyalty non the less.
They could have gone Van Graffs and allied with NCR instead, or maybe even helped House, but nope, they chose Legion.
3. Actually:
Spoiler "Caesar entered The Strip as though it was his Triumph."
This is a specific part about the Strip.
"The Legion pushed the NCR out of New Vegas entirely, driving them back to the Mojave Outpost."
This is about Vegas and it's surrounding area.
"The Legion occupied all major locations, enslaving much of the population and peacefully lording over the rest. Under the Legion's banner, civilization - unforgiving as it was - finally came to the Mojave wasteland."
This is about the entire city of Vegas and/or the major locations in the Mojave (Including Novac?), even if only Vegas it should mean Freeside as well as it's one of the major locations of Vegas. Might be in the ratty part of town but the major locations are: Strip/Freeside/Westside/Northsquare. But I guess it's about perspective, how do we know what "all major locations" mean?
4. Well we don't need an ending slider for every Ranger Station but I do think that there should have been more sliders, especially for westside, northern square and all casino's.
5. Well I don't think I switched my opinion but "Legion doesn't kill/enslave towns that cooperate with them", it's like you said, it's about what is in their best interest. But for example:
Spoiler Novac, while a temporary town, could have been useful for Legion if they took it over, but since the people of the town are about independence and has a couple of ex-NCR citizens my take on it is that they chose to not cooperate with Legion which resulted in it's downfall.
So my point with the "cooperation" thing is this: If Legion wants a town because it could be useful to them, then they will not kill or enslave the people there if they cooperate. If they don't then they are a menace and a threat and needs to be exterminated.
If on the other hand the town in question is not of any use for Legion then even if the town wishes to cooperate or has had an agreement of cooperation Legion can choose to go back on it's word if the cooperation could harm Legion in the present or the future.
That is what I meant about the cooperation thingie.
If you live in a town that is at least relatively prosperous then if Legion comes by and everyone accepts them then I wouldn't be too worried about getting killed or enslaved in that town.
I wouldn't talk back to or bump into any legionnaire though.