Nothing. But then again, there a possibility of my dead grandma showing up in FO4. A pretty small one, albeit, but you never know, do you?
As for the OP, as the others have stated:
Josh named all auto-pistol/smg rounds in mm and all revolver/lever-action rounds in inches to avoic confusion. It clearly did not work. :whistling:
And, as also stated, the .50BMG is quite a bit different than the .50AE. The .50BMG is on the top row, 6th from the right, just before the frickin cannon rounds. The .50AE is on the bottom row, 13th from the right, sandwiched between the .44mag and the .44automag.
The folks that have said that there's a tiny bit of difference between the two rounds are understating it a bit. And I should know, because I saw a gun once. :wink_smile:
-Gunny out.