So I got a new job! WOOT!
As you likely guessed from the title, it's in a local call center. I'm doing some basic trouble-shooting, account management, payments, etc. for a small cellphone provider.
I've kinda always heard that those places where borderline deadly to your mental health and carry a high burn-out rate.
As part of training I already took a call (while the agent handled the computer side of things). It didn't seem to bad, the guy wasn't happy at all about stuff, but he buggered off after a bit. The software I need to use seems archaic and completely useless, but I think I can work with it. What I'm not liking is the language barrier with some of the clients...
So, I'm asking you fine citizens (or denizens) of the CD; who among you have experience in such a place and what tips can you provide?