Its reasonable to demand a 6 mounth delay of a game because he disagrees with a few design changes? :confused:
I happen to like most design decissions ive seen so far and yes he is complaining about design deccissions which would not be affected be his preposed delay, the fact is this is what the dev team wants no amount of a delay will change that.
Yes, it is. The game lacks vital features, and truly, no one can really tell with certainty that those are design choices or just them removing features to rush the game. We don't really know if the dev team got all that they wanted in. I highly doubt it, as that is most usually not the case for most games. With so many features being chopped off the game and they going back on previous decisions about the game, such as adding locational damage, it really looks like things are being rushed here.
I can hardly believe the people who go around trying to justify everything Bethesda does as a great thing. Very obviously a lot was lost here, and I know people will attack me for this, but it only seems like they don't want the illusion of a perfect game to fall apart and thus are unable to see any flaws on it. I reckon there are great additions, I personally am very excited about the new NPC AI, but too much has been removed for the game to feel complete for me. I personally would rather wait a whole year to get a polished, less polemic Skyrim than going for what we have now.