Hi there.
I just finished my first play-through and was more than a little disappointed with what I would characterize as a lack of purpose for the end-game. I had a similar let-down in Fallout 3 where I hoarded mini-nukes for the final battle with Liberty Prime only to discover that the Lone Wanderer was a mere observer. That motivated me to open up the Geck and learn how to mod. The need for something a bit more epic has struck me again and I want to start thinking about an adventure mod for Fallout 4.
Now here's the thing... My talents lie in coding, logic and structure, but not so much in creative writing. So I was hoping to get a good discussion going where I could listen to the ideas of all you creative geniuses who might also like to see something epic, but lack the technical expertise, motivation or time commitments required to make something yourself.
That's right, I want to steal your ideas and make them happen. Well, maybe not steal.
So if anyone has any ideas for an epic ending adventure mod, please feel free to share them here. It doesn't have to be in any great detail, a simple overview would suffice.
At present, my initial thoughts lean towards the *underwater* adventure.