Calling all creative people, got an epic idea?

Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:24 pm

Hi there.

I just finished my first play-through and was more than a little disappointed with what I would characterize as a lack of purpose for the end-game. I had a similar let-down in Fallout 3 where I hoarded mini-nukes for the final battle with Liberty Prime only to discover that the Lone Wanderer was a mere observer. That motivated me to open up the Geck and learn how to mod. The need for something a bit more epic has struck me again and I want to start thinking about an adventure mod for Fallout 4.

Now here's the thing... My talents lie in coding, logic and structure, but not so much in creative writing. So I was hoping to get a good discussion going where I could listen to the ideas of all you creative geniuses who might also like to see something epic, but lack the technical expertise, motivation or time commitments required to make something yourself.

That's right, I want to steal your ideas and make them happen. Well, maybe not steal.

So if anyone has any ideas for an epic ending adventure mod, please feel free to share them here. It doesn't have to be in any great detail, a simple overview would suffice.

At present, my initial thoughts lean towards the *underwater* adventure.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:16 pm

In the event that your Survivor chooses the Institute ending on Fo4.. battle...Survivor vs Wanderer...
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Post » Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:48 am

Wow... this has to be a first...

In all my days of modding, someone who actually wants people un-detailed ideas to build.

So, which faction were you thinking about making this for? I can't say I usually mod the main story, but I can usually churn ideas like this out like they were butter.

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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:04 pm

Sir, churn on.
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:07 am

Gunners are pretty much everywhere. No matter who you sided with in the end it seems the next major step for stability is to wipe them out for good. Can't really say more in general discussion.

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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:30 pm

Since a lot of ideas are inherently spoilers, my first suggestion is to get this high-potential thread in the spoilers section so that we can speak freely :wink_smile:

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:38 am

Right now I am kind of wanting an ending where the Institute is pumped up to be much stronger than they are in the vanilla game, and somehow through careful diplomacy the player could get the Brotherhood, Minutemen, and Railroad to all attack in a combined effort. Hancock and his people would probably love to join the attack as well. Obviously, the Railroad is going to be trying to sneak the synths out from underneath the Brotherhood's noses during this whole mess.

Somehow in the mess of things maybe Glory sneaks up behind Maxson and puts a gun to his head making all the Brotherhood stop pursuing the Synths or else she will shoot. Hancock takes down Glory with a clean headshot, because what does he care about Arthur Maxson?

Then Father releases some gigantic Gen 1 synths that are about 1/2 the size of Liberty Prime, but they swarm him and bring him down and then attack you.

So now, after the fight, there is an entire herd of synths migrating across the Commonwealth, and the synth killers are far behind. You now have to choose whether you want to pursue and destroy the herd of escaping synths or help them escape the Brotherhood of Steel... Or just hang out with the Minutemen and have lunch in what used to be the Institute.

I don't know, I'm just rambling right now. I need to go back and play through some of the other endings. I've been spending too much time doing the writing for my own mod I never finished all 4 endings of the vanilla game.

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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:00 am

It's not much to do with the Vanilla story itself but my SPECIAL mod is for characters 50+ if you want to check it out in my sig.

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Dustin Brown
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:02 pm

A fifth game ending...


A scenario that by dint of hard work, diligence, sheer bloody mindedness and a refusal to accept that the destruction of other factions and mass killing of all faction members is the only way forward.

An ability to show all the faction leaders that the paths they have chosen will only create more conflict and prolong the suffering of all the people of the Commonwealth.

To make the institute see that they can't save humanity when humanity is something that they are severely lacking in themselves.

To show the Railroad that all the people of the Commonwealth have rights that need protecting, not just synth's.

To show the BOS that hoarding technology and killing all mutants sentient or not wins them more enemies than friends.

To get them all to take a leaf out of the Minutemens book and and do some good by actually assisting the peoples of the Commonwealth.

After talking to Shaun of the roof of the CIT ruins, take him for a tour of the wastes and show him the struggles of good people trying to survive and eke a living for themselves and their families, instead of him just standing on that roof and condemning nearly every soul in the commonwealth, to show him that he has become a product of his environment and isn't half as knowledgeable as he thinks he is. And that being your son means he still has a spark of humanity left inside him that you can reignite and get him and the Institute to do some good for all the peoples of the wastes.

Basically rewrite the whole main quest, that should keep you busy for a while (;
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:05 am

But where is the epic fight?

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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:09 am

There an epic fight now ?

Ok, just for you...

After all the factions agree to work together to improve the Commonwealth, the FEDERATION OF RAIDERS decide that your a goody two shoes girl pants and need to be ended.

They arrive with ranks of pet deathclaws and behemoths and power armor clad scuzzbuckets all foaming at the chops and screaming for your blood.

Unfortunately they arrive while you're banging Piper (or Cait) and your naked and unarmed, have fun.
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:53 pm

A quick update...

I'll be spending the day at a kids holiday party. I'll get back to each and every poster after that.

I'm not sure how to get a thread moved other than to PM a moderator. If that's what's required, I'll also do that later tonight. Just wondering if the spoilers thread is best or maybe the mod thread?

Oh, and epic doesn't have to mean epic battle, but epic purpose definitely. I'd like something that isn't easy to get, requires some form of investment (time, building, collecting, etc...) and builds to a crescendo, if possible.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:31 pm

If you need it moved nu_clear_day is usually quite fast

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Louise Andrew
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:41 pm

Following on from the Secret of Cabot House it'd be interesting to explore the alien city Lorenzo Cabot found... kind of like the F3 Mothership Zeta DLC.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:59 am

I got an idea:

Go post this [censored] on the right forum.

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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:17 pm

If the player is the survivor, then who is the wanderer? Or who is the survivor? Sorry, but maybe your reply needs a bit more detail as I really don't understand yuor post.

I wasn't thinking of any faction. While it could be faction based, it doesn't have to be. I do like the idea of a greast evil that needs iradication. The Master and the Enclave have been done, so maybe the institute is, in fact the great evil. Or maybe it a new enemy no one has discussed yet. Maybe it's the decendents of the Red Army, or even aliens.

I like this idea. Gunners are just high end raiders, really. But maybe they have an evil master overlord pulling the strings for some nefarious purpose that even they don't fully understand.

For now, maybe you could put your comment(s) within a spoiler tag? Since what I'm asking is hypothetical, I'm not sure this thread needs to be in spoilers. But I could be wrong. In fact, after thinking about it more. You are right.

You idea sounds like the ultimate diplomatic soluition. I might prefer something along these lines:

[spolier] The player ends up killing his own son who's just plain evil . [/spoiler]

I like the idea of a diplomatic solution, but I would add to it that once united, the Commonwealth Coalition needs some nefarious enemy to take out.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:31 pm

While I do agree that alien quests are a great idea, in practice it can be very cumbersome. New sets of alien tiles would need to be created and this is a bit beyond the scope of my talents. I would like to keep it within the relam of existing tile sets. Though, I suppose institute tile sets might work.

Thanks for your constructive advice, and you may be right. However, at the time I created this thread, I was not planning any mod. Instead, I was simply asking for a conversation discusing alternate epic game endings. Perhaps the spoilers forum would be the better than general discussion.

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Brittany Abner
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:07 pm

Did You Just Spoil This For Me???? THANKS

This is supposed to be a creation thread right? New, creations. If it's going to go this way it ought to be moved by a moderator to the "We know everything already" section.

To reiterate from the bottom of my cryogenically frozen heart.... THANKS BRO

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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:06 pm

I propose a new power armor torso mod called "Jump Capacitors", which deplete the fusion core to charge up an awesome superjump.

Essential Features

- Holding down the jump key/button uses AP to charge a superjump.

- At max charge, the jump would be about 25% higher than the jetpack can reach.

- At max charge, the effect that normally triggers when you land from a large fall (stagger shockwave) will trigger as you blast off, and again when you land. If explosive vents are installed, these will also activate on both takeoff and landing.

- Charging up a jump depletes your fusion core significantly (5-10% per jump)

Wish List

- Use the effect that occurs when you shoot a power core in an enemy's power armor (fusion core glows, seemingly overheating) as the jump is charging to indicate that lots of energy is accumulating in the suit

- A unique effect on the legs (arcing electricity perhaps?) during the jump and during charging.

- unique animation for the charging and jumping

I think with these basic features, Jump Capacitors would be balanced similarly to the jetpack in that while you get a little less control of your flight path, you get more combat utility. A max charge could damage leg health if further balancing is required. Jump height could also be optimized for any balance issues. With this mod, you could have different power armor suits with different gameplay features, without the sometimes ugly jetpack on the back of your suit. I, for one, would put them on a flames X-01 suit (red eyes of course) in a heartbeat. Helljumper build? yes please.

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Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:49 am

I don't think there is any possible way that all 4 factions could ever see eye to eye. The best I think is even remotely believable is having 3 of them team up to destroy the other. The whole game pretty much is defined by 'everyone and their mom hates the institute' so why not beef up the Institute and unite under a common enemy.

...but then halfway through when you think you are winning you stab the other factions in the back so you can get you way, and then all chaos breaks loose.

I'll do a whole write up of the scenario if you are interested. If not, I have plenty of writing of my own to do.

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