So I propose that nine dungeon modders join me and take up the challenge to each build, debug, and play-test a dungeon of their own within the next ten days. The mods can then be play-tested, peer reviewed, debugged, merged, modcleaned, and uploaded with full credit given to all project members. The result will be a nice big mod with ten dungeons in one download.
Dungeons must meet acceptable quality standards. All modders must use snap-to-grid and have seamless dungeons. Dungeons must be path-gridded. For this project there should be no mod dependencies. People of all skill levels are welcome if they can do the work. If there are problems with a dungeon it won't just be automatically rejected. The modder can be given advice and work can be done to fix it so that it can be part of the upload.
My recommendation would be that the dungeons contain three levels each. But artistic vision rules. Make your dungeon however you like as long as it is good. Make a cave, Ayleid ruin, fort ruin, custom Oblivion gate, haunted castle, or whatever you like. You may add items and creatures with new meshes or textures, but it is not required and not expected of you. This proposed project is about speed and large-scale production.
If you are up to the challenge of rapidly building a dungeon go to this link:
I will be busy building a dungeon, so I won't be monitoring this thread closely, but I can be easily reached at the above link.