» Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:12 am
I copied and pasted it from my actual scripts that I wrote. All scripts seem to be working except for the ArbMissionScript. You're absolutely correct, I apologize, it is rather messy. ArbTasks is the name of quest that The ArbMissionScript Is attached to.
ArbAskerScript is attached to a quest called ArbAsker, and it's function is to act as a messagebox and call other scripts to start running when they're selected.
Which errors wouldn't allow it to compile? It all worked fine, and still does, except for the ArbMissionScript, which simply wont run at all.
Also, start game enabled has been selected on all of the respective quests
Edit: Ok, I figured out what I did wrong with that one. I rewrote it and it works fine now, thanks for the help!