Hello! I often just go "oh fallout" when people talk about the game, cause it's never really been my thing to play some emo lone wolf wandering around.
BUT! Fallout 4 actually looks neat-ish.. I am just curious about a few things and cannot find much info on the game at all. So I figured I would ask here ?
1. Camera, are you forced into 1st person mode for combat? I think in one of the game trailers I saw you can run around in third person which made me happy.
2. Building! this part has me all kinds of yay. I know you can build a home, but can you build an actual town?
3. If town building or base building is a thing. I know merchants come.. but any chance survivors might come and hang around there? help maintain the place like the gardening and stuff? can give them weapons and such?
4. Female characters.. am curious how they will be handled? is it going to be like Saints row.. where your female character sounds like some huge angry lisbian when they speak to people? Will it be possible to play a polite gentle type survivor?
5. Mod/tool kit. Will Fallout 4 have one like Skyrim had? If so.. please fix the head issue stuff..no matter how many tiems I made a custom NPC in skyrim.. they wouldn't come out right with their facial marks and proper colors.. and the head skin was always off.
Thanks in advance to anyone who might know info on this stuff!