Skyrim, my first Elder Scrolls game. I have spent many, many hours playing it on three mediums (PS3, XBOX 360, PC). My story is one of absolute frustration at a glitch I could find no true fix for and seems to exist only within the confines of my (fat) PS3.
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The first time I played Skyrim I used the original controller that came with the console, chewed up and half-eaten by our bulldog, it still functioned with some comfort (it is gone now). I had no issues until I reached around level 20, when I noticed my camera kept tilting upward without any cause.
I did everything the Internet told me to (restart the PS3, unplug the PS3, unplugging periphery, reset camera angle, adjust camera zoom, reset controller settings, reset controller calibration, plug in controller to USB, remove wireless interference, look for and install update patches, cleaning the PS3, adjusting the sensitive level, turning off vibration, sit down on a chair in game, sneak in game, etc.), save for deleting my character all together and removing Skyrim and reinstalling it.
I ended up buying a new controller; a Chinese knock off which did the trick... for a time. A few levels later the issue presented itself again. I tried again in vain to fix it, but to no avail. With a heavy heart I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, patches et all. New character, same problems.
I decided I would play Red Dead Redemption on this controller to see if there was any problem; there was none. After RDR, I tried Skyrim again—and, as expected, the panning continued. In fact, it got stuck looking up (or sometimes down). This happened in both third and first POV.
I bought a brand new, legit controller from Walmart. This again fixed the problem, for a time... until I reached about level 40 and then once again the problem returned. In a fit of rage I abandoned Skyrim.
I played The Last of Us, twice. Jurassic Park (Telltale) twice. Parasite Eve, once. No problems to report. Then, I tried Skyrim again and, well, as you might expect it still had its issues. So, I thought maybe I should try a generic wired controller!
It worked, but I decided to break from Skyrim and play Tomb Raider. After that, I played again—no problems (level 50 now), but I wanted my PS3 to have a break. It's old and I was wary of another glitch arising.
So, I bought a XBOX 360 and got Skyrim for it. I also got Skyrim for the PC. On the PC, I quickly learned that even with mods, my sensitiveness to motion affected my game play (third and first POV), so that was a little sum wasted. XBOX has been a champ and other than the loading times being a little slow, I have had no problems. Using the Kinect for commands is fun and efficient. 

Today, I decided to hop onto the PS3 (which remained untouched, other than Netflix on occasion) and see what my level 50 Imperial is up to. Having logged 175 hours on her, I was happy to dig in after nine months. With the wired controller in use, I quickly noticed the camera kept panning to the left--something it never did before. I did the usual things to try and fix the camera, but nothing helped.
I decided to try my old controllers. Initially, my old legit PS3 controller seemed to be working fine—until it wasn't. Several minutes later, the camera would tilt upward, the character would suddenly be armed with magic and either attack or use shout. When I attempted to switch controllers, it failed to even go to the status screen and was doing things ON ITS OWN. I plugged in the wired controller and it didn't respond. I plugged in the Chinese knock off and it didn't respond.
The game won't let me change controllers at the status screen; a new character also does nothing to help. HITTING IT AND SCREAMING AT IT ANGRILY ALSO DOES NOT HELP (obviously). I stick in Assassins Creed and it operates like the champion of love and justice and confetti and sparkles.
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? Am I the only one?
Oh and no, it is not: ghosts or gremlins or trolls or leprechauns or salt water or snow or humidity or sand or dirt or dust.