Graphically amazing in places. I particularly liked the floating park at the end. Some of the set pieces were great, stuff like the earthquake. Environments were excellent. However some textures looked really bad - a standout for me was when looking out from the castle right at the beginning with that awful flat brick texture. Other ingames textures were really low res too. All in all though the destroyed New York was striking to look at.
Sound was great, music in the cutscenes and chapter endings was also top notch. I did have issues with sounds jumping around in the soundspace but that appears to have been solved in 1.2.
Story was good although not as good as I had hoped what with there being a proper writer on board this time. Some missions really felt like pointless filler. Especially the 'destroy the address on my PC' one! I'm still a bit confused at the ending. Is the guy in the suit Prophet, Prophet in Alcatraz's body or what? Whatever, as long as Prophet's back I'm happy.
I think the biggest issue I had with the game was the 'unfinished' state the game appeared to be in on release and it's a shame that DX11 wasn't implemented from day 1. I would have liked to play through the game in it's full glory from fresh. I will play through again to get all the collectibles when DX11 hits. I think the game needed a little more polishing before releasing for PC and less of a console focus. Stuff like the 55 console FOV, press start to begin etc etc - this is not what I want to see. CryEngine 3 supposedly scales for the hardware it's on but I didn't see much evidence of scaling. My guess is the team simply ran out of time.
Hopefully by the time Crysis 3 hits the eggsbox and ps.3 will have been consigned to landfill, allowing a real-groundbreaking game.