Im sorry to break it to everybody, but there not gonna use any of your ideas from here on out. If you start a thread now saying ohhh make a big green dragon and name it leafy. They cant even consider it, the development and design process of the game are done. we're 8 months from expected release and theyre currently testing it and working out bugs and setting up marketing for the game. and as we speak they have a team working on trailers and promotional content. its too late. this game has been in development before the 5th elder scrolls was spoken of. just though id through this out there
I want to show that Bethesda are listening and I don't think this would be to hard to include in Skyrim or to ridiculous and immersion breaking. So vote for leafy and we'll see if Beth are listening in 11.11.11
Please feel free to post comments on what you think of the idea, or other ideas for Easter eggs anything to keep the thread near the top and get as many votes in as possible.