Here's my question: What happens if a living person (Nord or otherwise) dies in Sovngarde?
Here's my question: What happens if a living person (Nord or otherwise) dies in Sovngarde?
I assumed as much for the second question, but does that carry for the first as well? Seems like it'd just mean less traveling for the soul.
I always thought that Alduin worked like Umbriel. Even so, does anyone know if souls can be recycled after being devoured by either Alduin or the leaders of Umbriel?
I think that Alduin's tummy of soul food probably gets recycled (how I'll leave to your imagination) after the Kalpa ends. Otherwise, Creation would eventually become inviable.
He does lose power, though. After which, he must consume more souls. I wonder where those souls went.
In answer to your first question... the same thing that happens when you die on Nirn.
As to your second? There's a theory that Sovngarde exists solely to provide Alduin with the souls (batteries) he needs to end one Kalpa and start another.
Well, not quite. There's a whole thread by me dedicated to the question, but it of course is about nords and if dying valiantly, dying in battle or living a life of battle will get you in. There's a book that suggests its dying valiantly as well as dying in battle. But of course you need to be a nord first and foremost.
The ebony warrior in my opinion isn't mortal. I think he is either an aspect of the Ebonarm or an aspect of Zenithar (Tsun). One for the height, two for him being the God of Trials of Adversity, and he does fill that role as the ebony warrior, and three because Zenithar appeared as a redguard before. That theory is MerchantMudCrabs. Either way I really dont think he's mortal. If he was, who taught him to thu'um?
But even if he was, we don't know if he actually goes to Sovngarde.
The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth!
Not a superiorly bred Mer, I see.
People misunderstand the player's freedom in this game. Your character's race, personality, morals and background are your choice.
But you can't decide what s/he is or isn't. If you ignore the MQ that makes your character a Dragonborn who hasn't faced a dragon yet, and that's about it.
I'm just wondering... if I spawn a bunch of them there... will they all start preaching simultaneously?
I've done worse. Can you imagine 325 Draugr Death Overlords all shouting at once in a very tight group at each other? I had my ear-phones on and my ears were ringing for a minute.
I wonder why that is. I still think its because of what we did, but if its not and its just because we are dragonborn...kinda makes you wonder if its because they are Shezzarine, which would make sense. I think if thats the case, then its the ones that are born dragonborn (I think they come from Shor) rather than the ones who become dragonborn from the dragonfires, if that is indeed how it works,(I think those come from Akatosh). Reason is that Akatosh wasn't around during Miraak's time, so there had to be another. Shor in the nordic pantheon is the only one that makes sense since Alduin wouldn't make dragonborn who devour dragonsouls. Also Alduin and shor have been at odds multiple times so Shor making them makes sense. Especially if they get a pass regardless of race.
Some say it could be this other aspect of Akatosh called Aka-Tusk, but I don't know. I don't think nords worshiped Aka-Tusk.
Again, I know, but he wouldn't make dragonborn, so another had to. Some say Aka-Tusk, but they didn't worship him, so they couldn't think he made the dragonborn.
Crazy Time God.
Seriously though, Akatosh's worship isn't required.
That seems too convenient for my tastes. I'd be disappointed if that was the reason.