Alduin knows you're Dragonborn when he sees you.
Alduin knew Miraak was Dragonborn, and made him High Priest of the Cult. Miraak was famous and commemorated as being the most powerful servant of the Dragons.
Alduin knows you're Dragonborn when he sees you.
Alduin knew Miraak was Dragonborn, and made him High Priest of the Cult. Miraak was famous and commemorated as being the most powerful servant of the Dragons.
wait... if LDB is a Shezzarine, wouldn't that mean they could be part of the Oversoul Of Talos?
Yup. That's a common theory of which I share.
Maybe since he was the first Alduin didn't get the full grasp of what he was and in fact did not know. Or he had no reason at first to fear him anymore than he would another dragon.
Keep in mind that to Dragons, Aka-tusk/Akatosh is called Bormahu and it isn't exactly some new thing they are trying out to see if they like it or not.
I know it isn't required, but they have to have wondered who sent them right? And since gods are shaped by the power of belief....maybe they thought it was Shor, and thats how shor started making them. Maybe its Shor, the other aspect besides alduin at that time and akatosh in the present.
This was before time was violated. Miraak's purpose at the time is unknown. But you asked if the Nords worship Akatosh and they did. He was known as Aduin at the time. The Alduin demonization did not begin until the Dragon Wars when the Cult became oppressive.
I can believe that. it explains a few things i have always thought "iffy"
I was talking about the other aspect of him. They didn't worship Akatosh. They're different. Unless all the aspects do the same thing regardless of personality which I dont think. However the part about the demonization is a good point, but do we really know that to be true?
Dragon cult speaks for itself.
If you are talking about Akatosh specifically as we all know him, then probably not, seeing as how he's an Imperial "creation". But they did worship Alduin, and he is an aspect of the Aka-Tusk 100 faced oversoul thingy.
Yea I get that its the dragon cult that worship dragons, but there are religions that worship beings out of fear and reverence rather than admiration. Its possible that this is what they did from the beginning. In which case they wouldn't think he'd make dragonborn once they understood what these were.
Yeah, it was admiration at first. The Dragons weren't oppressive, they just went along with it. Alduin probably made a few appearances here and there, but he wasn't a common presence. But his sight must have been one to behold.
Interesting to note, there was a civil war going on during the time the Atmorans made it to Skyrim, and settled Saarthal. That right there could be the beginnings of "oppressiveness".
*pure speculation* I think a possible reason was Miraak being introduced to Herma Mora. He started getting a little too confident and maybe killed a Dragon or two absorbing their souls. Hence the split between the cult and whispers of dissent. *end speculation*
Would make sense that this civil war would eventually come to Skyrim and Alduin would need to start putting things right...
Possibly. It was rather odd to me that we never were told what the civil war was about. Lol, and it would be rather funny if this was the case. TES's version of Frankenstein. Miraak being Alduin's creation and killing his masters. If it's the case. I like that, but I think if it is true, the possibility of Shor carrying on their creation afterwards is possible and quite fitting.
The Falmer wanted the Nords to stop worshiping Shor, and the High-King agreed, causing somebody to go crazy and kill him, sparking a huge civil war that made the dragons realize that they should probably flex a bit more muscle to keep the Nords in line.
so basically, the exact same thing that is happening in Skyrim?
Yeah, but I'm joking with that theory.
I think Miraak and Mora might have had a hand in the civil war starting and the Dragon Cult in Skyrim becoming more oppressive, but I also think Paarthurnax, the dragons loyal to him, and the Tongues he taught the Thu'um to might have had just as much of a hand (wing?) in it. The Dragon War does seem to be a bit of a two front battle now, with the Dragon Cult fighting both the Nords in Skyrim and Miraak in Solstheim.
Paarth was Alduins Chief Lieutenant, and Alduins Brother (or so he claims).
So perhaps it was a War of Succession? and the Tongues he taught being the equivalent to Alduins Dragon Priests?
If you are very nord-like, and you're just like one of Shor's faithful, then yes. Race is often over classed by culture in TES. And if despite being an altmer, you believed in the nordic gods, lived a nordic life, and were essentially a nord in an altmer's body, you'd go to Sovngarde, where you'd forever form a brotherhood with the rest of Shor's favored children, assuming you can defeat Tsun in combat.
I am aware of that. but Alduin had the Dragon Priests, Mortals who could use Thu'um, did he not?
as such, if Paarth was to wage a War of Succession, he would need Canon Fodder with a Similar power (Although, a Silence Spell would have left Thu'um useless anyways... whatever happened yo Silence spells..?)
we may never know for sure.
I thought Paarth never began his "meditation" to Overcome his nature to Dominate until after Alduin was hurled through time. meaning he would have still had the urge to dominate during the rebellion.
So, it may of just been a Rebellion. but from what I know of Medieval History, sounds alot like the start of a War of Succession.
that is a valid question..
But that Brings up the Point, during the Rebellion he must have still had the urge to Dominate, that is one of the reasons I see it as a possible Succession War....
Brings up the question though, What happened to make Paarth (who was once Alduins Second-in-command) WANT to abandon this nature. A nature he had since Birth, a Nature that is Natural to his entire species..