She'd be dragonborn no matter what. But I believe the reason we get in as dragonborn if you're not a nord is either one because we are Shezzarine (imo), in which case you get in no matter what, or two because we
I doubt it... every character we see in Sovngarde "appear" to be "pure blooded Nords"..
If your headcanon is she is not in fact dragonborn, then no. Sovngarde is a nord only place. Shor's a racist, lol. Some people will tell you otherwise, give you some theory that isn't supported, which is fine. This is TES, but from everything we know for a fact, and in game dialogue from the imperial companion who acknowledges she wont reach sovngarde, I think its clear.
makes me wonder...
the Nords Chosen place in Aetherius is Sovngarde....
but to what plain are the other races sent to?
Well, being Dovahkiin and banishing Alduin automatically gives you a place in Sovngarde irregardless of race.
However, if your Altmeri/Nordic mutt is not the LDB, yet identifies more strongly with her Nordic roots, then perhaps it is possible that she can enter Sovngarde.
The rules are not very clear with regards to mixed-raced individuals.
If her mother was the nord, it'd be different. Technically she's just an altmer who has some slightly nordy characteristics.
I mean lorewise. If the mother is an altmer, she's an altmer. Race is determined by the mother. In reality (if you can call it that, lol.) She'd look more like an altmer.
Your deeds have nothing to do with you ending up in sovngarde at least whai i have heard of .
Won't matter.
If she is not of nordic birth she would not be allowed to Sovngarde, regardless of Lifestyle
Actually, they do. A single act worthy of Shor's notice can book one passage to Sovngarde. Most commonly that is taken to be an honourable death, but that only scratches the surface.
Sovngarde is a reserved place in Aetherius, where only worthy Nords go, instead of to the dreamsleeve to be recycled.
The only exception to that rule would be a Dragonborn/Shezzarine.
I wouldn't parade it as 100% Otherwise, the Bosmer would have never changed from their Aldmeri/Altmeri roots. And the Bretons wouldn't have merrish blood. Though generally, yes.
This is irrelevant though, if she was born an Altmer, she's an Altmer.
As far as I know, the creators of Skyrim have not set this is canon. Until they do, I think that it's pretty much up to the player. After all, Sovndarde only exists within the confines of the game itself, and the minds of the creators. Ergo, no proof is possible.
ever heard of "extended lore"?
Sonvgarde is the Nords Chosen place within Aetherius