Can anybode make anything with cheaters in MP?

Post » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:41 pm

(Sorry for bad english)
In half servers 1-2-3 cheaters whow cheat in open. Aim cheat, increase damage ammo, minimize damage self, auto aim shotgunner. This all is seen in replay.

MP in current moment full unplayable, for what i pay money? For it? WTF?????

I like this game, but this thing 'spoil the mood' (hope correct translate). In one map ttwo autoaim shotgunner which one shot kill in jump always, on replay seens that in more time they shoot in another side, in current moment one swift cheaterast kil !two! people, me and from my command, by 2-3 ammo when we stay at one line.

he us with the automatic pass-through shot? (One bullet kill)
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