Can Anyone Explain What I'm Seeing When Modding Inst. Rifle?

Post » Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:38 am

Here is the Institute Pistol/Rifle with the stats for an attached Standard Stock/Pistol Grip. Note the Range.

Here is the Institute Pistol/Rifle moments later with the stats for an attached Full Stock/Rifle Grip. Note the Range.

The photo also shows the tooltips listing of the mods' effects, and none of them make any mention of changing the weapon's range, so it's odd enough that the range stat would be impacted. But, it's even more strange that the full stock actually reduces the range by around 30%. If anything, one would expect a small range increase (or none at all, as the tooltip says.)

The range appears, to me, to be correct with the Full Stock. The range for the weapon with a pistol grip appears to be far too high. It would have more range than any rifle in the game with that configuration.

My best guess is a bug in the calculation caused by adding/moving mods in a particular order, but I wouldn't know where to begin testing it.

Also, I should mention that I am playing a version 1.2, not 1.3, so this isn't with the most recent patch.

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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:38 pm

Its probably a bug, but if your not using 1.3, it's hard to know if it was fixed or not in that patch.

As for testing it, make a forked save and try adding the mods in different orders. However I doubt the rifle stock mod effects are additive, rather they are replacing values used in the calculations to provide the stats. In other words if mod 1 does 30% more oomph, and mod 2 does 60% more, the 30% is just getting replaced with the 60%, not 30% being modified by the mod that gives 60%. Alas, without an editor, hard to check on that.

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Post » Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:33 am

you sure it's not your gunslinger perk extending pistol range?
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri Feb 12, 2016 1:52 pm

Ooh, I feel like this is something I should have thought of. I have 5 ranks in it.

Do Institute Pistols have an unusually long range? My other pistols, even with the five ranks, still have shorter ranges than rifle counterparts. I haven't tested it much, though.

Perhaps Gunslinger has an odd interaction with the institute pistols? I could check a couple of other weapons and see if anything similar comes up.

I thought of that, but with five mod slots and an average of 8 mods per slot(ish) the math in my head hit 5 digits when figuring out how many permutations I'd be checking through, and that was before even factoring the order in which they are applied.

A pipe weapon might produce similar results, so I'll check what happens if I switch between pistol/rifle designation (but the institute rifle has a bit of a unique way of combining the stock and grib mods that may make it a bad comparison to other weapons.)

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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:11 am

Wait, does the institute pistol have the same range as the rifle?

If it does, then the explanation is the gunslinger range modifier actually extending the pistol variant's range beyond the rifle variant's range.

It would be unexpected, but that would explain it.

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Post » Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:06 pm

Since I'm at the workbench, I'll just update this post as I check the ones I have on hand with 5 ranks in gunslinger:

Pipe Pistol: Same thing as Institute Pistol, it has a longer range than pipe rifle.

Pipe Revolver: Longer range for the pistol grip than the rifle stock.

Laser pistol/rifle: No change, same range for both variants.

Hunting Rifle: No change, same range for both variants, but I don't know if "short stock" is actually considered a pistol.

Plasma Thrower: Pistol variant has higher range than rifle variant.

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Post » Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:32 pm

So gunslinger makes pistols, of certain kinds, have a much longer range than their rifle counterparts. I had no idea that the bonus was so large. This is most likely because the pistols that I use are a 10 mm and a .44, which do not have rifle variants. I wasn't in a position to notice what an unexpected difference it makes with the more broadly modifiable weapons.

In any case, I certainly understand what was happening now. Not sure where this thread would belong. I don't think it's a "bug" in the conventional sense, unless the intended bonus wasn't actually supposed to be so large when applied to the pistol/rifle weapon types.

I suppose I should play around with one of the longer range pistols in question, and see if the practical effect reflects the numbers listed in the workbench.

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Post » Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:27 am

Anything with a pistol grip gets the bonus, you should see my wounding plasma flamer pistol in action.
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Post » Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:19 am

same as how my deliverer with short barrel and 4 gunslinger perks out ranges my 308 combat rifle with short barrel.

even without the perks some pistols outrange it, and deliverer for example is only "3" less in range.

i kinda dont want to continue to be down beat simpson but the whole weapon system is really badly designed and thought out

but, a weapons range in FO4 is determined by its barrel, stock has nothing to do with it

so the weapons you can convert to either pistol or rifle will have the same range with the same barrel, if you have gunslinger perks then said pistol will out range the rifle version of it

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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:43 am

That would explain all of my results, except for the laser pistol and the Hunting Rifle.

In the case of the hunting rifle, I assume that it is always considered a "rifle," in the same way that a 10 mm pistol is always considered a "pistol."

As for the laser pistol/rifle... that one I'm not sure about. Perhaps the Gunslinger perk isn't applying to the laser pistol correctly? I suppose that could be an actual "bug."

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Lisa Robb
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Post » Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:33 am

hunting rifle (aswell as combat shotgun, combat rifle and assault rifle) is never a pistol

it is always considered a rifle, the "short stock" does not make it a pistol, short stock is considered a rifle stock

laser pistol sounds bugged then, but make sure the name is "pistol" as only the standard, comfort grip and sharpshooters grip make it a pistol. the short stock makes it a rifle.

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