I have yet to play Skyrim, the only Elder Scrolls game I've played was about 2 hours worth of Oblivion. I asked my friend to tell me what kind of weapons there were so i knew what i was going to be using, but he didn't say halberd or flails. I asked him why the weapons were so basic, and he told me that there used to be a wide variety of weapons, but no one liked it because they all had the same damage so there was no point in having so many different kinds of weapons. I can understand that, but i think Flails and Halberds should be introduced again, or for the first time (like i said, I've never played the previous games.) Those happen to be fun weapons to use, they look cool, and ive seen Elder scrolls weapon designs, they are VERY nice. I would like to see what they could do with these 2 types of weapons. I'm going to be getting Skyrim for Christmas for sure, but I've seen the tutorial into the game, and that executioner who beheads the man in the beginning, he is clearly using a halberd, or a really big axe, but i heard that its not useable in the game. So if anyone can explain further the weapon choices, or maybe... even get the 2 said weapons into the game? that would be awesome. Thanks for taking the time out to read.