Can anyone help me with the Bosmer lore?

Post » Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:52 pm

I am really interested in creating a Bosmer character soon, as I almost always play as a human in Skyrim and I generally love playing as elven races when it comes to other RPG games. However, I know very little about the Bosmer and some of their customs are a little confusing. Could anyone here help me with these questions?
  • How do the Bosmer, in general (as I know that everyone is an individual with their own personal opinions), view the Altmer and Aldmeri Dominion?
  • How do the Bosmer view the other races of Tamriel, including the other elven races, beast races and the human races? Are they as condescending towards other races as the Altmer, because I cannot stand that?
  • In turn, how do the other races view the Bosmer back? I read somewhere that, out of them all, the Nords are nicest to the Bosmer. Is this true?
  • What are some typical roles for the Bosmer, beyond hunting? I don't mean what are they skilled at, because I know that to be archery, but rather what they have been known to do (e.g. mage, thief, assassin, warrior, monk, and so on throughout the professions).
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