Can anyone replicate these glitches?

Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:28 am

I've encountered several already (does the developer know what Q&A is?), some minor, some not so minor, but a few recent ones have got me a bit riled up. I'm wondering if my console and/or disc (looks clean) are just screwed, so if anyone could bother to try these out I'd be grateful.

1: Pre-patch (the recent one), but I didn't see any notes regarding it. From Hidden Valley, if you take the path going toward Black Mountain, you will eventually freeze along the way. This has happened both times I've tried, early on in the session. Due to this, I had to circumvent the path to find the BoS patrol, and in doing so getting jumped by a few Nightkin.

2: Killing/finding the "Blind Deathclaw" (which still has unerring accuracy) in Primm Pass. Doing so causes all audio to cut. I noticed this the first time and thought a freeze was imminent, so I took the precaution of trying to save. Well, that was the kick to the balls, as it froze when I selected "Save" in the menu. Pip-Boy menu works fine, and I walked around for a bit without any error, but then I entered "Harper's Shack" at one end of the Pass, and now I've been watching a loading screen for the last 10 minutes. So I try to quit the game just now, and the PS3 beeps a few times then restarts. Even MAG isn't this bad, and that's saying something. Ah [censored], now I have to kill that Deathclaw again. It does look cool seeing it vault 50ft into the air, though. Tried to fast-travel after killing it, but it straight-up froze. No more Primm Pass for me.

Thanks for any help and comments.
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Misty lt
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