I just don't get why Serana cannot be married?!? Can anyone...and I mean it, ANYONE show why Bethesda prevented us all from marrying Serana????? Don't say "Because she's SSSOOO hot." I mean it, Serana is the follower you can most emotionally connect to in Skyrim.
Especially in my current playthrough, I have an Amulet of Mara, and I for the first time, I see the dialogue option: "Ever thought of getting married?". It actually makes my heart heavy with sorrow knowing she will only say no, and that she is uncomfortable around temples and what not. The conversations you have with her over the questline for Dawnguard, you can tell definitely later that she shares feelings for us. Why does Bethesda do this?!? Serana is the best follower I could personally ask for, after getting her, I never recruit another follower besides HER. I would personally vote her on as the Dragonborn's main love interest. This opinion is not because of how attractive she looks. If I met a woman like her emotionally. I would fall in love.
So please, does ANYONE know personally why Bethesda did this?!? Do they plan on finally releasing a new update in which it can give you the option to marry her??? And in that case, why hasn't Bethesda released new updates like they said they would in their final message saying they would make no more DLCs???
Can someone ever show me a way to communicate with Bethesda directly about stuff like this?!?