This is a minor peeve that arose after some criticism was mentioned regarding a mod (not mine) that added greenery to FO4. The complaint was that the greenery destroyed the "immersion" into the game. I say the game as-is destroys the immersion...
FO4 supposedly takes place over 200 years after a global thermonuclear war, yet there's nothing that grows except for a few plants (and, of course, the plants you farm. THOSE grow just fine!) Trees that were denvded over 200 years ago still stand. Leaves that fell off of those trees over 200 years ago are still sitting in piles all over the Commonwealth. Ditto for the dead grass clumps and bushes. Those items would have crumbled due to decomposition within 10 years, max. Why hasn't vegetation reclaimed the Commonwealth? If someone wants to blame the nuclear blasts, I refer them to the Bikini Atoll - where the largest thermonuclear surface test ever conducted by the U.S. was detonated on March 1, 1954 - "Castle Bravo". The detonation occurred on an artificial island in the Northwest corner of the atoll. There's a natural island just a hair over a mile to the East of where the artificial island used to be. Google Earth shows this natural island completely covered in green vegetation only 50 years after it was laid bare by the Castle Bravo test. (Photo taken March 15, 2004) If that's what can happen after only 50 years, why isn't the Commonwealth ALSO that way?