Can't become Thrall of Riften bug

Post » Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:35 pm

Apparently if you clear Cragslane Cavern before talking to Wujeeta, you fail the quest and it's removed from you quest journal and then you can never become Thrall of Riften. Is this ever going to be fixed?

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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:33 am

It was fixed with 1.9 specifically. The cave would reset once you got to that point.

I hope you mean Thane, not thrall. That would be wierd.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:32 am

Yeah, Thane is the right :D

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Eileen Müller
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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:41 am

Yeah, you need to download update 1.9

I cleared Cragslane Cavern in my file and haven't had any issue with becoming Thane so far.

Just something to keep in mind, if you have a mission in a mine you've already cleared that should've been reset then finish the mission and clear the mine and when you go back in the veins will be reset. I did know this bit of inofrmation lol.

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:15 am

If you successfully clear the Cragslane Cavern prior to obtaining this quest, you will not be able to complete it.

Best bet is to make sure you obtain the Letter from the Warehouse and read it to start the quest before even attempting to explore the Cragslane Cavern.

This will ensure no problems are encountered as some have even reported that entering the cavern and engaging the enemies there will cause this bug/glitch.

There have been many reports stating that you have to kill 7 people to complete the quest.

If you have already cleared Cragslane Cavern then you most likely already killed the 7 people inside.

To complete the quest you simply have to kill the 3 people that have respawned when the cave reset.

(wait 30 days or so for the cave to reset then repeat until you have killed 7 people in Cragslane Cavern.) ***

The quest should then complete upon killing the seventh bandit. (only confirmed on PC, but it will do no harm if you try it as well.)


*** After waiting for well over a month for the cave to respawn (with no success) I traveled back to Riften to see if maybe I could find work clearing out Cragslane Cavern again.

Upon speaking with Hemming Black-Briar in the Jarls palace, he offered me the Honeyside property without having to become thane.


And check if you have the latest patch installed (1.09)

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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:02 am

Yes, I meant thane. Not sure why I wrote thrall. Anyway. The whole game is bugged. Think I have to start over. Already have 1.9.

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Dylan Markese
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