All of my Oblivion characters have been semi-Paladin types too. I've never been able to play a thief or asassin character in Oblivion. Cyrodiil NPCs are so amiable and the land is so sunny and cheerful that that kind of character just feels out of place to me.
See, that's so interesting. Back in my TFT / AD&D days, I always played "good" characters. I never played an evil one, not that I remember. I carried this attitude into Oblivion when I started gaming this game 3 years ago. But somewhere along the line, I saw the potential for a character who could "fall thru the cracks" so to speak. was technically a Chaotic Good character, which means she put herself first (rather than the law) but she mostly "did the right thing" during her days. But during her roleplay, she started stealing. Especially horses. this was my entrance into an eviler side of TES. If she was in the situation where she
needed a horse...let's say she was being attacked by a couple trolls and there was an Imperial horse nearby, she'd sometimes let the Imperial guard who owned that horse do all the work while she stole his horse! And then when she started doing KotN, she kept having to repent for her sins, cause she kept screwing up by stealing.

It was interesting because Dyan
never ever got the urge to steal, but with RG2 it was an ingrained habit.
I think was my first "evil" roleplay. I wanted to base a character on the, I made Luci a dark elf and tried to get her skin bluish-looking and her face a constant scowl.

Even though she didn't do any official quests, her roleplay was extremely strong until she died! There's something about Cyrodiil's sunny, cheery atmosphere that Luci just HATED!
She hated sunlight, even before she became a vamp. She basically would only go outside if it were overcast or rainy or nighttime. In that respect, she is a part of me somehow, since I myself refuse to game any of my characters it's a sunny day outside. Earth-outside, not Cyrodiil-outside.
There was something about escaping into the Great Forest, also, that was really fun with Luci. Her home was Weatherleah (pre quest). I enjoyed riding off into the forest, a set of guards hot on her tail, to arrive at Weatherleah. She'd be looking over her shoulder, then...unsure if the guard was about to show up. Sometimes he managed to follow her somehow!
Look at it this way, Pseron. A character like Luci, who is from Morrowind and was imprisoned in the IC for basically being accused of witchcraft (even though the beginning of her career in Morrowind was supposed to have involved minor Alchemy at best) is now extremely angry at society. Luci was supposed to have been imprisoned for such a long time, her sanity eroding, to the point that she had no interest in being "good" anymore, and instead foudn herself wanting to vilify all those happy, shining people of Cyrodiil she encountered. Unless they were lower-class dark elves, maybe.