Say there's an overwhelmingly popular mod that is released in a few months after Skyrim arrives and Bethesda sees it and aknowledges how much better it makes the game, would they consider remaking it to work on console versions as DLC?
I don't think I've heard of them doing anything like it for Oblivion, though so chances don't look good.
I couldn't care less really because the "vanilla" version of Skyrim looks pretty much perfect for what I want from it right now anyway and I will be enjoying it on my PS3 for a looong time I think lol, I'm still just interested to hear if this is a viable option Bethesda could take.
This interview may be the answer to your question:
AusGamers: You always support the mod community as well and I know that this is going to have mod tools out of the box.
Todd: For download, not in the box.
AusGamers: Right okay, yeah.
Todd: In case people look in their box and they’re like “what?”.
AusGamers: Obviously the PC community really enjoys that a lot, but have you thought about giving that level of access to the consoles?
Todd: I have yeah. I think our PC mod community is one of the things that is great about our games. We’ve always supported it and we want to continue to do it. But a lot of our audience is on the consoles so they’re not experiencing that. So we have talked to Microsoft and Sony; “how do we do this?”.
The good news is that those things have started to happen with games like Forza 3 and sharing all your car stuff or Rock Band’s a really good example, where you can make your own tracks where you’re authoring them somewhere else then you’re uploading them to the 360.
There are still a lot of issues to solve with... because these aren’t instances like a song or a car you know, you could download a mod that destroys your game and we can’t have that. So we’re still... we have not solved -- even on paper yet -- how to handle security; how do we handle not messing up your saved games and things like that.
So it’s not going to be solved for the game’s release, but it’s something that we’re going to continue to look at because we think that it’s an awesome part of the game that the majority of our audience isn’t seeing.
AusGamers: Is there any opportunity going forward to actually take some of the PC mod stuff and port that to console for console players?
Todd: It actually works. If you have a devkit console you can take the PC mod files, put them on your Xbox and they work. They actually worked in Oblivion, Morrowind and Fallout 3. For all of those games, I can take the PC mods and put them on my Xbox. We have one system so we just need to figure out the logistics of: How do we get it there? How do we secure it? How do we make it safe? It’s something that we would really like to do.
AusGamers: Well that’s tantalising and pretty cool for the console players out there.
Todd: Yeah, it’d be awesome. Here’s this awesome thing and we’re not doing it right now. What do you think of that answer? [laughs]