Can Bethseda and Obsidian do it again?

Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:07 pm

The gathering quests for The Sink wern't actually that bad, they lead me onto new areas, got me unique equipment, made me encounter the legendary bloatfly and got me up 5 levels. Also unique enemies (001101001001101, That Cazador (forgot it's name but it got me the tri-halo))
The weapons, clothing and armour were well worth the trips.
Also The Sink is one of the best places I've ever been to in Fallout.
Excellent DLC.
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Holli Dillon
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:37 am

on another note, i really feel bad for the people who spend a good chunk of their time on these forums debating and speculating and arguing the points of upcoming DLC, only for them to nonchalantly shrug it off once it's here. what is the POINT? usually it's the same people who said they knew it was gonna svck anyway, so why bother?

Some has too much time on their hands, gotta do something to make it pass, arguing and debating with foamy mouths is a good way to kill time.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:39 pm

I enjoyed it. Fun and campy, without an overblown sense of self-importance.

Obviously not for those with no sense of humour.
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James Potter
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:55 am

Oh Bruce no, I hope we never get another OWB or HH again.

I enjoyed Honest Hearts actually. Yes after waiting for Joshua Graham since his Hanged Man days in Van Buren the change was a shocker, plus then there was that awfully small fetch-quest galoored MQ he was attached to but I found it enjoyable.

OWB was catered awfully to FO 2 humor. But it did get humorous eventually rather than forced. I'm enjoying the dialogue and other things so far. Wasn't the best ever but enjoyable.

What was your issue with HH/OWB?
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:29 pm

I enjoyed Honest Hearts actually. Yes after waiting for Joshua Graham since his Hanged Man days in Van Buren the change was a shocker, plus then there was that awfully small fetch-quest galoored MQ he was attached to but I found it enjoyable.

OWB was catered awfully to FO 2 humor. But it did get humorous eventually rather than forced. I'm enjoying the dialogue and other things so far. Wasn't the best ever but enjoyable.

What was your issue with HH/OWB?

With Old World Blues: (First things that come to mind, might have more negative stuff to rant about later)

- My immediate thought when I first started it was "Great, they loved Tron Legacy so much they just had to blatantly do easter eggs to it right off the bat."

- The dialogue at the start was very very long, funny, but long, it became annoying after about 70% of it was done.

- I heard we could get a lvl 30 trait so I was excited to kick it off right away, turns out I had to find modules for it. Got to level 42 before I found it and installed it, and then found out I can't take it to cap myself at current level only take it if I'm lvl 30 or below.

- When I exited the building I found the new area looked so incredibly boring, grayness everywhere. Bleh..

- There were enemies every 30 feet, something that was not a plus when I played Fallout 3.

- It was more exploration focused than quest or character focused.

- The enemies were meatshield at Very Hard forcing me to turn it down to Normal, not because it was challenging, but because I wasted so much ammo in the first hour that I knew I wouldn't have enough ammo for the entire DLC, and then at Normal all of the sudden they could barely do any damage to me.

- The new equipment didn't really do much for me, none of it felt like doing the DLC again.

- The story felt too lulzy and short with most of it's quests (All of them?) being fetch quests.

- Not enough choices or interaction with characters, I could interact with the Think Tank at the start and exhaust most of their dialogue right away, after that it was just shooting more and more meat shield enemies.

- 4 new perks.... 4.... No really, 4... I complained about Honest Hearts' 6 and OWB gave us... 4...

- Oh and they "forced" new perks onto me, not optional but forced, I thought that if I complete the DLC and get my own organs back that the new forced perks would vanish, but instead I got new perks. I don't like being too powerful and these forced perks I cannot do anything about.

- The announcements became tedious.

- That I had to search for every single module for The Sink was annoying even with the quest (which I didn't find out about until I was like 40% through the DLC.)

- It was far too lulzy. I know a lot of people are saying that it's basically Fallout 2's lulziness compressed into a DLC, but that's the problem, Fallout 2 had it's lulzy moments but it spread it out between the grim atmosphere and the dark humor.

- It's advanced technology doesn't make sense with the rest of the rest of Fallout. I know it's an isolated location, with crazed scientists that have been working here for like 250 years or something, but I still found it to be too much. (Though that could just be my opinion.)

- They [censored] up the Skilled trait, it should not give -10% experience, it should make the perk ratio go up a notch.

- I did find the stealth suit test to be fun and the school part, the opening dialogue (while dreadfully long) was really funny and it had it's funny combat moments but none of it could redeem the faults I saw with it.

- I know that the Sink's appliances having ending sliders were meant to be funny somehow but I just found it annoying, the ending sliders were dragged out unnecessarily long.

Honest Hearts: 4
Bleh... Graham was nothing like in Van Buren. (And before you say "But Van Buren Graham was so one dimensional and chaotic evil" let me just say that if they wanted Daniels opposite to be the way he was written to be then why did they have to completely [censored] over Grahams original concept? Why couldn't they have given Grahams role in HH to a new character all together? And had Hanged Man be his Chaotic Evil self in some other release?)

The exploration was boring, repetitive and not rewarding, all it had was plants every where and some random leveled loot at "forbidden places".

It's quest design was awful: Talk to Follows-Chalk>Talk to Graham>Do fetch quests>Talk to Daniel>Do more fetch quests>Ending battle.

It's story was cliché and expected, nothing about it made me care at all, it was short and felt far too fast paced.

The characters felt underdeveloped and again cliché, the only good ones were Follows-Chalk (Which should have been a new companion..) and Happy Trails which are killed off right off the bat.

They failed to flesh out the new tribe's, Sorrows had 2 characters, Dead Horses had 1 and then we had Daniel and Graham which acted like history books for their respective tribe but still failed to flesh them out enough.

We should have been able to join the White Legs, I don't care what Josh says that it "was out of scope", it should very well have been a possibility.

The only way to kill Graham is through the fail safe ending.

The new perks absolutely svcked, we were already too demi-god and now they give us 3 more +damage perks? Why couldn't they have given us better perks, perks that are not bias towards combat?
And the three others they gave svcked apart from Tribal Wisdom which was a great roleplaying perk.

There weren't enough choices, only choose between Daniel or Graham and then choose to let Salt Upon Wounds go or let Graham fight/execute him.

The only saving grace of Honest Hearts was the absolutely beautiful environment, the night sky, the rain, the atmosphere, the new recipes for Survival and Follows-Chalk.

Honest Hearst was just a sightseeing DLC with a bunch of OP tribals running around, some fetch quests and a shoot 'em up final quest.
Nothing to be excited about.
Wouldn't suggest it to anyone unless they have money that they could literally burn.

These are some of the reasons I dislike these two DLC's.

Oh and I guess a /opinion is on both.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:28 am

- 4 new perks.... 4.... No really, 4... I complained about Honest Hearts' 6 and OWB gave us... 4...
Mile In Their Shoes is absolutely useless, Implant GRX is in fact too (15 seconds of turbo per day), Atomic! is good only when synergized with Rad Child and Them's Good Eatin is really OP. It gives tons of potent healing items, which can be sold for at large price. Only Jury Rigging was so gamebreaking.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:19 am

I liked Atomic! and Them's Good Eatin', has roleplaying value in them, they are OP though, Them's Good Eatin' Should have been 20% or maybe even 15% considering that they are better than stimpacks IMO.

Still, I have the PC version right, so I got new perk packs from mods, but I'm also thinking of how it was on the 360.
On the 360 and PS3 we can "only" get the perks that the devs officially release.
And one of the things I like is being able to try out new builds for roleplaying reasons, the more perks the merrier.
And considering the perk packs I just downloaded had a crapload of perks in them makes me wonder why the devs couldn't have had at least a dozen perks in each DLC.
Like, is it that hard to make new perks? Cause like I said, the perk packs I downloaded had a [censored] load of them, so I don't see how professional coders/scripters/whateverdevelopers couldn't come up with more perks than... That...
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:34 am

I liked Atomic! and Them's Good Eatin', has roleplaying value in them, they are OP though, Them's Good Eatin' Should have been 20% or maybe even 15% considering that they are better than stimpacks IMO.

Still, I have the PC version right, so I got new perk packs from mods, but I'm also thinking of how it was on the 360.
On the 360 and PS3 we can "only" get the perks that the devs officially release.
And one of the things I like is being able to try out new builds for roleplaying reasons, the more perks the merrier.
And considering the perk packs I just downloaded had a crapload of perks in them makes me wonder why the devs couldn't have had at least a dozen perks in each DLC.
Like, is it that hard to make new perks? Cause like I said, the perk packs I downloaded had a [censored] load of them, so I don't see how professional coders/scripters/whateverdevelopers couldn't come up with more perks than... That...

Them's Good Eatin should have Ghastly Scavenger as required to be balanced.

I can't imagine how to play this game without keyboard, mouse, WMX and community patch compilation which fixes hundreds of bugs.
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:30 pm

Yeah after playing New Vegas for like 7 hours on the PC version I was like... anologues svck... They seriously svck for aiming, I waste so much ammo cause they are so hard to aim with.
Maybe I'm just bad at FPS' on consoles though?
But yeah, going from PC to console was really hard to do after just 7 hours, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be after a couple of months. :P
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:41 am

"Can Bethseda and Obsidian do it again?"

For this question, there is only one thing to do, we kneel ourselves, join our hands, lower our heads, and pray, pray for a miracle, the miracle of Obsidian working again on another Fallout game.

...Them's Good Eatin is really OP. It gives tons of potent healing items, which can be sold for at large price. Only Jury Rigging was so gamebreaking.

Not really, each of them takes a perk in our build, a perk that could have been used to give yourself either more damage or defense.
You pick a commodity and sacrifice some damage/defense for it, it's a fair trade I think.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:28 am

I would have liked better implants
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:53 pm

Not really, each of them takes a perk in our build, a perk that could have been used to give yourself either more damage or defense.
You pick a commodity and sacrifice some damage/defense for it, it's a fair trade I think.
Well, since we have unlimited free weapon repair kits from DM we can have unlimited money without any perks.

Yeah after playing New Vegas for like 7 hours on the PC version I was like... anologues svck... They seriously svck for aiming, I waste so much ammo cause they are so hard to aim with.
Maybe I'm just bad at FPS' on consoles though?
But yeah, going from PC to console was really hard to do after just 7 hours, I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be after a couple of months. :P
As for me, there only few game types which are good with gamepads, and both RPG and FPS are not included. It's very sad, that most new RPG have interface and gameplay simplified to make it console comportable. And fallout is one of them - it have absurdly inefficient screen space usage, lots of useful info is hidden and items descriptions was cut out totally. In F1/2 any pile of goo in world had it's own description. Any item. There was lots of useful info. All armors had different protection levels from different treats.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:50 am

haven't beat OWB yet but its my favorite so far very well written story crazy characters, a very distinct location, it seemed kinda far out with all the dark humor and scifi tropes but it really works for me.

There wasn't really much dark humor in OWB. Aside from the Trauma Suits I didn't notice any dark humor actually, most of the DLC was the same style of goofy cartoon humor seen in Fallout 2 and Fallout 3.
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:01 am

The gathering quests for The Sink wern't actually that bad, they lead me onto new areas, got me unique equipment, made me encounter the legendary bloatfly and got me up 5 levels. Also unique enemies (001101001001101, That Cazador (forgot it's name but it got me the tri-halo))
The weapons, clothing and armour were well worth the trips.

On topic: I really hope that they can pull off another good dlc, and lonesome road should be the best considering that it is the Great Battle of the couriers.
Also The Sink is one of the best places I've ever been to in Fallout.
Excellent DLC.

I have to agree with this, because most of the fetch quests lead to some kind of unique enemy. IMO they weren't pointless, because they were optional quests that made your new homebase better and the new enemies had some pretty cool loot on top of that.
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:20 pm

"Old World Blues" was fantastic and it set the bar really, really high for "Lonesome Road." Just finished it last night and the main quest + exploring + the personality scavenger hunt got me ten hours of fun out of it. Still have some sidequests and 'sploring left to do. It'll be dark times if Obsidian doesn't get a chance to make another Fallout game. =(
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:22 pm

No,I hope not.
The DLCs so far have been getting steadily worse IMO.
I hope lonsome road is much more serious and story focused!
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lacy lake
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Post » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:37 am

This is without a doubt, the best dlc Ive ever paid for.It has replaced OA from FO3 as my top FO dlc.The storys great, the writing and voice acting is the best I have ever seen, I dare say better than the regular game, its funny, you get cool stuff......

Most importantly (drum roll please)........ THE SINK!! This is the greatest house ever, finaly what Im looking for.As a console payer, I finaly have a player home on par with some of the great mods I always see PC players making.THANK YOU OBSIDIAN!! :bowdown: :goodjob:

Im REALY excited for LR now,if its anything as epic as this, then I will love it.
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